[center]Character Sheet: Facial/Faunus [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/aa/4f/2c/aa4f2c32975ca180423580330230f5ac.jpg[/img] Usual attire [img]http://i740.photobucket.com/albums/xx49/LiveLong6/DoopDoop.jpg[/img] Name: Galiden "Gali" Zane Scarlet Colour: Gold Symbol: [img]http://img11.deviantart.net/ae9a/i/2015/005/1/1/_rwby_oc__yorick_s_emblem_by_indecisivefigure-d8cq3e6.png[/img] (The color is yellow not red) Race: Faunas Status: Student Age: 18 Bio: Gali always had it rough with the anti-faunus people going around and stuff. Gali lived with his older sister, Jasmine Naomi Scarlet, and his mother Hasani Scarlet. His father left when he was young so Gali doesn't known much about him. Gali trained through the years to become a hunter. He went to Signal Academy while his sister went to Beacon. His sister was known as the Golden Arrow due to her amazing speed and weapon of choice which was a bow and arrow. One day when Gali came home he found his mother collapsed on the floor. Hasani had come down with a severe illness which crippled her causing her to be bedridden. Gali kept training and entered tournaments to earn money for people to find a cure for his mothers illness. When he earned enough money he ran to the closest doctor who had some horrible news, his mother had passed. Gali was to late to save his mother. He lived his life with his sister as they traveled around for a few years. He left Signal after she graduated in order to travel. When they returned Gali enrolled in Beacon Academy where we see him now. Gender: Male Weapon: Shineveil - A Glade with golden blades, given as a gift from his older sister back home. It's secondary mode is a kusarigama(Chain Scythe) with retractable chains able to reach for miles. Semblance/Special Ability: Times Illusion Equipment: various Casual attire and bed attire. His PZP(PlayZation Portable) and a few games, Some cash, his weapon, his normal attire in various versions for each season. A Letter from his older sister and a letter from his mother(who is deceased)[/center]