It had been a busy past few hours, that much was certain. Oliver had just finished getting into his car after completing a plethora of tasks previously. First, was last night. He took Shou home, before having to call in a favor to get the Professor's Ford back into his driveway. Next, he had to return to his apartment, take a quick shower, brush his teeth, and finally hitting the rack for a few hours. After a joyous four hour sleep, his alarm got him up at 7. "Let's see here," Oliver muttered to himself, whipping out his phone and checking his schedule. A frown formed on his face, the Detective befuddled when he saw he had nothing on his calendar. "Oh right," He slapped his forehead, chiding himself for being so foolish. "It's Sunday." All of a sudden, his pager beeped, a message from one Nori Haywood. ------ Christ all mighty, was that blood? There was a sizeable hole in the wall too... Oliver clicked his tongue in trepidation, pocketing his pager and phone before starting up his car. Today was going to be...[i]different[/i]. [i] Judging by the pictures, it may have been the florist's place.[/i] He quickly drove through Shine Junction before pulling up on the flower shop, stepping out of his car and approaching the entrance. How he hated the rain. It didn't allow him the pleasure of a cigarette. Holland was just about to go inside when he noticed something strewn about the entryway. [i]Concrete..[/i] But something else... [i]The tip of a rubber glove?[/i] His heart stopped dead in his chest. [i]No, it couldn't be...[/i] A quick glance to the side had confirmed what he had initially thought. The place was indeed the scene of the crime. Entering the building, he looked around, the smell of flowers filling his nostrils as he took a deep whiff. Despite it being winter, in smelled like spring. "Mrs. Haywood? Are you here?" He called out, looking around for the girl. "I got your message. And if this is what I think it is, I'll take this case for free."