Name: Sir Ramius Kastagir, the White Raven Creature Race: Revenant Creature Race Overview: - Gender: Male Undeath Age: 42 Appearance: In life the honourable White Raven was tall, wide shouldered and relatively handsome. He still holds his stature, standing nearly 7 feet tall, his shoulders still as wide as two lesser men. His once handsome face has became gaunt and scarred from years of fighting those who have opposed him. The skin of his left cheek has been torn off, leaving teeth and bone visible. His right eye was lost to an arrow in his final battle in the ranks of the living and the left one burns with what seems like blue fire - though it still retains at least some warmth. A small goatee still adorns his chin, just as jet black as his long hair which flows down to his shoulders. Ramius' left arm has remained seemingly unharmed, the color of the skin has became a rancid green and the veins are visible as purple lines. His right arm is emaciated and rotten to the point of being mostly bone from below the shoulder. The suit of plate armor that was once gleaming white has been blackened and bloodstained by the magic and the horrible injuries Ramius suffered in his final battle. Though the armor is more or less complete the White Raven's right forearm and hand are completely visible. Visible too are his ribs on the right side of his body. The tattered black cape he has hanging from his shoulders still has the white raven emblem barely discernable on it. Abilities: Commanding the Dead - Ramius can call upon the lesser undead and has with him a handful of lesser revenants who used to be his comrades in arms. Touch of Death - Ramius can use his right hand to momentarily paralyze the living, a weak willed opponent is completely paralyzed, but an opponent with a strong enough will might easily break the paralysis. Fury of Undeath - Ramius is able to push his undead body even further than your average revenant, he can seemingly take a horrendous amount of damage and still keep functioning. Talents: Skilled swordsman - though Ramius was not quite hailed as a master swordsman he was still quite a bit above an average swordsman. Skilled tactician - Ramius was not hailed as a master tactician either, but he has retained his cunning and can still come up with a plan or two if need be. Ever the diplomat - In life the White Raven was both a warrior and a diplomat, he has retained his silver tongue to a degree - at least towards those whom he sees as being no true threat to himself. Weapons: Two longswords strapped on his right hip, both with a blackened hilt and blade - infused with Ramius' hatred towards both the living and the undead. The pommel of both swords are quite large rubies. The weapons have been enchanted by the dark energies and the wielder's rage to infect any wounds they make. Steed: - Magic: Necromancy - Ramius is skilled enough in necromancy to raise what some would refer to as a small army, however his approach is more quantity over quality. He is also able to cast a few spells that bolster the power of himself and his minions. The Tale of a Corpse: The White Raven fell not due to his own failures, but due to the cowardice of the men fighting beside him. When he arose as a revenant his sheer fury towards the men who fought at his side kept him focused and sane. It was a stroke of luck that he came upon some of the men who were traitors in his opinion - to him, not to them - as Ramius unleashed his fury on the men who had left him to die the lesser dead began to gather around him. Soon the warrior began gathering a small army - even raising some of the former traitors to his side and crushing any revenant weaker than himself while staying clear of the more powerful ones until he could contend with them. The few living warriors who have faced the White Raven and remained in the ranks of the living tell a weird story about the man - or what remains of him - searching for a powerful enough opponent. Not so he could become truly dead, but to have a magnificent battle worthy of song. Even if it would mean Ramius himself would be the only one left to sing it.