[center]~| Day 2, 14:03 - 14:13 GST |~ ~| Aboard the Kaggath, Prison Complex |~[/center] Denso had looked at Kara once more, waiting to see what she was going to do. The Sith wasn’t very imposing, but they did have a lightsaber and guards nearby. He could also feel the power she had flowing off of her, this was no weakling Sith. Kara was about to respond to Denso when they were interrupted by a Sith. The Sith didn't look that tough, but Kara could feel the Dark Side radiating from her, as well as the trademark Sith arrogance. The Sith raised her hand towards Denso and Kara, which made the later almost sigh out of frustration of having the luck to be singled out. Unsurprisingly the Sith wanted them to follow her and have a ‘talk’ with them. Kara stepped forward towards the Sith. “It’s not like we have a choice, do we?” Kara said to the Sith. “But I was thinking about getting some fresh air anyway, so I guess it can't hurt.” She said with a smile on her face as she stopped right in front of the Sith, fighting back the urge to try and attack the Sith. Instead she looked down at the Sith and said; “So, what do you have in store for us?” “You will see soon enough. I can only promise that it will be more exciting than these dirty cells.” Vivithe said, a smirk on her face. That was the correct word for it, ‘exciting’, it would be for her, them as well. The female Jedi was bold, when she stepped close to Vivithe the guards behind had perked right up. Her eyes fell upon another Jedi, another human male, she had noticed him watch as she had entered, then as she picked out the two prisoners. A brief thought of forcing him to come along with the duo came into her mind, but two was enough, for now. She had seeked out these newcomers for a reason. “I think by her definition of exciting it will mean something very terrible for us.” Denso pitched in as he glared at the Sith who returned the look with a smile. Cocky bitch. All of them were like that, they were never short on arrogance. “You will see. Let’s depart from these cells, shall we?” Vivithe suggested, then stepped back into the lift. There was enough room for the Jedi to squeeze right in with her. Denso nearly sighed out loud as he realized he had to go along with the mysterious Sith. There wasn’t a way out of it, if he declined then she would have probably had her guards snap his legs and drag him out. It did offer an opportunity for reconnaissance. He was planning to escape the ship, perhaps the Sith would inadvertently reveal some information to him while he was Kara and him were her plaything. Kara joined the Denso and the Sith in the elevator. She wanted to say something to the Sith, a quick snip or something like that, but she figured that she had already pushed her luck with her previous comments. So to be on the safe side she kept her remark to herself as she tried to squeeze in between some of the Sith’s guards. When the turbolift closed and the group being closely huddled together, Kara wondered what the Sith was going to do to them. Was it going to be torture? If that was the case then Kara wondered what kind of techniques the Sith would use. If it was anything physical then Kara didn't really have any fear for it. She’s trained against that sort of thing. The psychological torture on the other hand… She didn't deal too well with that. With a faint sound of anxiety in her voice, Kara asked: “So, where are you taking us Sith?” “To the arena, my dear. I don’t want to spoil the surprise beyond that.” Vivithe said, as she turned her face to Kara. A smile on her lipsticked lips, the reasoning behind that smile not known to anyone but the Sith lord herself. Then the lift stopped in motion, the doors opening to a long steel hallway near identical to many on the ship. The arena was a short distance away from the group. Vivithe started to walk, the guards responding to this as they followed, forcing the Jedi caught in the middle to go along too whether they wanted to or not. They did not resist, which did not surprise the Sith. All of the Jedi she had interacted with had gone along with her willingly. “Arena? What could be in there for us, Sith? Are you gonna make us fight?” Denso interjected, unsure what was planned. He had at one point been forced to fight bare handed against another Jedi at his previous Sith facility. Let the other Jedi give him a good beating, the Sith wanted to see them try to strike each other. “You shall see, and please, call me Lady Lansha.” Vivithe replied with a glance to Denso. They were curious, or scared of what she had planned for them. Either one satisfied her thoughts. Kara actually became rather curious at this point as to what the Sith, who was apparently going by the name of Lady Lansha, had planned for Denso and her. If they were heading it was probably not a torture session. Denso had an interesting idea to which Kara would, in different circumstances, not really see an issue with. It was a common practice for prisons to have the inmates fight each other in some sort of tournament. However, Kara was not about to fight against a fellow Jedi just because some Sith wanted her to. Besides, this Sith didn't really seem like the kind of person who would arrange a prison brawl. So as they were walking down the corridor Kara kept thinking about what they were going to do there. Was this Lady Lansha going to make them fight against other inmates? Or maybe against a pack of savage Kath Hounds? To be perfectly honest, Kara was rather excited for this. It had been way too long since she’d been in a good scrap. Indeed, this isn't really the best Jedi mentality, but it beats having to sit isolated in a room for weeks. As the group was closing in on the arena Kara cracked her knuckles and turned to Denso. “Well, whatever it is we have to do for this Sith, I guess its better than doing nothing, don't you?” She said with a mischievous smirk on her face. “I suppose that is one way to think about it.” Denso said as he returned the glance and smirk. He hoped she was right with the positivity and they weren’t going to be thrown in unarmed to take on a rancor or something monstrous. “You Jedi are so positive all the time,” Lady Lansha commented as they reached the arena. They stopped in front of a doorway, to the right another. She turned towards both of them and smiled. “Denso, you will find a more suitable change of clothing, Jedi robes. Figured you would be more comfortable in that than your current garb.” “Since when do Sith care about the comfort of a Jedi?” Denso asked, surprised at what she had told him. It had to be a mind game of some kind, the Sith wanted him to appreciate the gesture, she was trying to get him to like her. He nearly rolled his eyes. “I just felt robes would feel more natural.” Vivithe said, then glanced at the guards who nudged the Jedi through the doorway in front of them as it came open. Inside was another, darker room, a few chairs scattered around, on one of set of greyish robes. The door locked shut behind the Jedi as they were forced inside, Vivithe going in a different direction.