Name: Jen Steele Age: 17 Gender: Female Cave: 6 Personality: Jen is a warm hearted and kind girl, and generally tries to be helpful to everyone. Dont think that shes innocent or useless though. Jen has been training for the past few years in armed and unarmed combat, though her build means she does not excel at these. Her real talents come in that of stealth. She can disappear in most scenarios, flitting between shadows as if by magic, though no mysticism is involved here. Looks: (awful at finding pictures, sorry) Jen has short blonde hair, cut close to the head. She is short, at 5'4, and often gets mistaken for a boy due to her slim figure. She has blue eyes, with a small, but noticeable scar on her left cheek. She refuses to say how she got it. What you personally have with you: tight fitting black leather armour, custom made. Two daggers, one for normal use and one as a backup. She also carries a flute, which she is relatively good with, often using her talents to pay for a nights rest.