[h3]Sunday, 10:18 AM – Shine City Academy Dormitory, Iruka’s room[/h3] “Ughh... ughh...” Iruka rolled around on her bed, groaning in pain as the whole world seemed to finally have come down on top of her. God, what was that? Iruka felt as if her head was going to explode and her stomach was growling like a ravenous beast, since she hadn’t eaten anything after her Spartan lunch yesterday, which would make it at least sixteen hours running on nothing but a pack of Pucky and a glass of… “Ugh… what was that?” Iruka sincerely tried to recall it, but try as she might, the young woman was missing a huge part of her memories from yesterday’s night. For the love of it, she couldn’t even remember how she got back home, to begin with. All that Iruka could recollect were the memories of the embarrassing situation she got herself in and her gorgeous senpai, but other than that, it was a blank and painful void. “For the love of God, I can’t believe I did something like that…” Iruka’s face was flushed and she hugged her pillow while rolling around. [i]Knock, knock![/i] Suddenly the door called Iruka’s attention and the meek girl got up from her bed “Who’s there?” “A little bunny!” The playful person replied. “A bunny?” Iruka sounded legitimately confused as she turned the doorknob, only for her face to brighten considerably when she noticed who was standing in front of her door. “Yes, a little bunny that came to see if her friend is well, after our rough welcome.” Said no one other than Laura, the racing suit-clad German beauty who happened to live at a room on the floor right above Iruka’s. “May I come in?” [h3]Sunday, 10:24 AM – Shine City Academy Dormitory, Iruka’s room[/h3] “Oh gosh, Iruka-chan! I don’t know how Nick got your name, but now it’s you’ll be quite famous… at least the next gossip makes them forget.” Laura said as she waited Iruka to groom herself and change into some fresh clothes, “Come, you said you wanna go to the Junction, right? I’m going to the racing track, so I can give you a lift.” “I… I… don’t know if I should accept it, Laura-san. I don’t wanna be a burden.” Iruka replied meekly, with her head hanging low and face as red as a tomato, as she wondered why they had to go and announce her on the radio. All that attention was really bad for her heart, Iruka was sure of. “Come on girl, cheer up! You’re not gonna be a bother, let’s go!” Laura almost dragged Iruka away from her room, before lending Iruka a spare helmet and both getting on Laura’s racing bike, the blond beauty revved it up a couple times (mainly to startle to people who shot accusatory gazes at Iruka after listening to the radio) and both of them dashed away in a streak of shining orange and red. [h3]Sunday, 10:xx AM – Shine Junction, Freeway Access[/h3] “Thank you, Laura-san, that was the most exhilarating thing I ever did.” Iruka bowed before returning Laura’s helmet. Really, a motorcycle ride down a high-speed road (even if Laura was holding back because of Iruka’s lack of experience with powerful bikes and improper clothing) was a thing that Iruka never though she would do, but it was amazing. In fact she could feel her heart pounding like crazy even now. “Yeah, it’s amazing, not?” Laura grinned widely, she held back a lot but she hoped Iruka would like it. Sincerely, Laura enjoyed when people shared her love for powerful bikes and this was all Iruka’s benefit. Laura felt that Iruka could be an amazing girl if she only if convinced herself of that, there seemed to be something holding her back (specially evident at the way how Iruka flinched whenever touching or being touched by someone), but Laura could pry on that after knowing Iruka for less than a day, still… There were other things she could do “Show me your phone, Iruka-chan” Laura said before taking out her own phone and sharing her contact info with Iruka via NFC. “Now, we are official friends, call me whenever you feel like it. Also, since I got your clothes soaked, please accept this and go get a new getup.” Laura pushed some money on Iruka, before revving her bike and turning to leave “I won’t take a no, as answer. If you feel like it pay me back with the money you get from job. See ya tonight!” [i]“Oh God, why do I keep meeting pushy people?”[/i] [h3]Sunday, 10:xx AM – Shine Junction, Street Crossing[/h3] Iruka walked by, wearing a [url=http://safebooru.org//images/1579/c9868ed53b3535f396a2711176b37ad9b849ff16.jpg]new outfit[/url] (after dropping her previous one at a laundry shop) and a transparent plastic umbrella and carrying a department store bag with an advanced Christmas present (a stuffed doll of the White Rabbit) that Iruka bought for herself, with a part of the money she won yesterday, because she couldn’t resist the allure of cute fluffy critter (Iruka has always been a lover of Alice and her adventures). It was only then, that Iruka noticed that the lost phone she had with her ever since yesterday had received both a call and a message from someone that someone that seemed to be mad about the phone’s owner not answering them. Iruka picked it and tapped the screen, hoping that she could return the call without having to unlock the phone. By a miracle Iruka managed to connect, but the rain was causing some interference (perhaps a RF tower had been damaged?), so she was forced to leave a voice mail. With a meek voice, showing traces of embarrassment and fear, Iruka said “Hmm… hi, this is Kashima Iruka, I believe you called this number a few minutes ago. If I’m wrong, please ignore this call. Anyway, I… hmm… want to know if you are an acquaintance of this phone’s owner, he lost it yesterday and I’m trying to return it ever since. If that’s right, please meet me at the, hmm…” Iruka paused to take a look around, noticing that the best rendezvous point around would be the Shining Kettle “… is the Shining Kettle alright? I’ll give back the phone if you really know that person, I promise.” Suddenly, she noticed someone she seemed to recognize from the previous night and crossed the street to meet with none other than Ryoki. “Hi there, miss!” Iruka chirped timidly, wondering if the older woman would recognize her without her ‘work clothes’. For some reason, Iruka felt the urge of calling Ryoki ‘Big Sis’, but refrained from doing that because she didn’t knew if the other woman would take it well. Anyway, the shy girl complemented her greeting with bow “Thank you for yesterday,” before a sudden blush lighted her face. “Oh sorry, you might not even remember who I’m right? Even if it’s so, I’m thankful.” With that said, Iruka fell silent, waiting for Ryoki’s reply with a huge blush splashed on her face as she hoped that she didn’t sound like a creep, or mistook this person’s identity. Also, there was very embarrassing sound of her stomach begging for nutrition, somewhere in the middle of it all that made Iruka feel like she need to find a hole and jump on it to never get out again. [hr] [@lovely complex][@Delta44]