[center][h2]✦✧✦[color=00aeef]Kanadeko, Akira, And The Mysterious Musician[/color]✧✦✧[/h2][/center] Upon entering the school grounds, Kanadeko stopped midway between the doors. The sound of elegant piano could be heard. Finding it odd as she was unaware if there were any music classes or an auditorium. Come to think of it, there was very little she knew about her school. Strange, she had only been thinking of such things recently. Accompanying this performance was a familar stringed instrument that suited eachother almost perfectly. Attempting to stop her 'friends', she shouted at them;[color=00aeef]Guys! Do you hear that?! I didn't know we had a music club![/color] The omnipotent beings simply ignored the girl. With a huff she angrily yelled at them. [color=00aeef]You guys are so totally the worst today! Why don't you ever listen to me?! D-don't just walk away from me![/color] With a sigh, Kanadeko gave up with them, she guessed that there was no reasoning with them. Looking up at the major staircase, it was if she was being lead by the music. Madly dashing towards the source of the sounds, she made it to the roof. Behind the door was her mystery musician. The source of this new found melody. Grasping upon the bronze door handle, she turned it to reveal an unfamiliar face. The tall guy didn't appear to have noticed her presence, so she simply scimppered off closer, sitting on the ground with her legs crossed as she listened to his song. Kanadeko wasn't the only one who heard the song. Wandering the halls, Akira pursuit the noise. There wasn't much else for him to work off of, since for some reason or another the halls were quite empty. No students, no teachers, heck most of the power was out. It was kinda creepy. He coudln't event get a gauge of what time it is other than "Probally night time", since even all the clocks seemed to be aligned at different hours. [color=skyblue]"Honestly, such a strange school. At least there should be someone here, if that violin isn't being played by a ghost."[/color] Akira followed the noise to the rooftop, which seemed rather suspicious to Akira. He supposed that if it was a ghost, it would have the means to kill him easily; he doubt he could survive the fall. Of course why would anyone want to kill Akira? A pange of pain shook through Akira's body, bringing him to his knees. [color=skyblue]"I wouldn't mind..."[/color] He said quietly to himself. But shortly after he forgot about it, and got back to his feet. [color=skyblue]"Urg... So much walking!"[/color] Eventually Akira reached the rooftop and found the source of music. A mysterious musician. And it seemed like Akira wasn't the only one who was attracted to the noise; another girl was near by, listening, watching the violinist. Akira opted to stay hidden by the door and see events unfold, maybe make a dramatic entrance when the time was right. Akio finished his song, not yet noticing his singular audience. He carefully placed his instrument within its case, snapping letter clasps together to keep them still, and placed the case upon his back. With one last glance at the vanishing sunset he let out a soft sigh and decided he should head out. Turning he spotted the girl that sat watching him. This wasn't something he was used to in this odd world, but figured he knew why she was different. [color=ed1c24]"Well hello there. You must be one of the newcomers. Hopefully you've been informed of our situation? If not I'm sure that she Will arive shortly to bring you up to speed."[/color] He had that prickly sensation as if he were being watched and he looked around to see if perhaps he had another onlooker, but saw no one. [color=f49ac2]“Oh ho! Attention everyone! There’s gonna be a big, big storm hitting our noble academy soon so we recommend everyone buckle down and head towards the shelter your oh so lovely Student President has made just for you. Hurry up cause I heard they’re serving spicy rice tonight for dinner. Oh ho, so spicy!”[/color] Akio let out a sort of a noted grunt. [color=ed1c24]"I guess that's one way to introduce people.. We should get going."[/color] as he finished he held out a hand to help her rise. Kanadeko tilted her head to the side in confusion, like a lost dog looking back at a stranger with food. She enjoyed his violin skills, but was confused by what he was saying. She thought maybe he was talking about some sort of new standardised testing? Shortly after he had packed up, before any chance was given for her to introduce herself, there was an announcement for all students to head for the shelter by the studen council president. ... Who that person was, Kanadeko certainly couldn't remember. Odd, their voice didn't sound familiar at all... Regardless she jumped at the chance to talk to the mysterious boy. [color=00aeef]I really enjoyed your song! Maybe some time we can do a duet? I don't play, but I can sing pretty well.[/color] It was as if large sparkles suddenly appeared in her eyes transforming her face into a sight akin to a puppy. [color=00aeef]But before we talk about that, we should probably head on over to the shelter![/color] Akira had stayed hidden, eavesdropping on the conversation. When the announcement was made that a storm was brewing and there was spicy soup, Akira shortly debated with himself. Did he want to go get some soup? Did he like spicy food? Or did he want to stick around and figure out more about these people? Neither of them really introduced themselves yet... Akira decided to leave them alone for now. It seemed like they were both musicians, so perhaps Akira can use that knowledge later. She left quietly and without a trace, heading to the location where the spicy soup was located. Akio looked at the girl with a slight smile, he could feel his face redden slightly at the compliment on his music. [color=ed1c24]"Well, I've never played with anyone else, not even with a vocalist. To be honest I've only been playing for about a week now. We should get going. Best not to be late."[/color] Akio started twords the stairwell. He debated in trying to make a friend, something he had never been quite good at. Finally he figured it was with a shot. [color=ed1c24]"Perhaps we could petition to the school to start up a musical club. Not that I doubt it will be denied, but just so we're not bothered by the npc's. If youd like that is. Till then though, we should really get going, don't want you to miss your introduction to this freakshow of a place."[/color] and on that note Akio vanished down the stairwell, heading twords the destination that had been set for them. '[color=00aeef]NPC?[/color]' What could that possibly mean, thought Kanadeko... She followed along to the shelter area.