[i][h3]Kori, Queen of Barcea[/h3][/i] The same respect that the Queen had given to Shadar (and everyone else for that matter) was given to Drosil. Quietly she listened to what he had to say about himself initially, though there wasn't much to hear to begin with. Instead she watched, her eyes drawn away by the strange fae creatures that Drosil began to summon. They were not quite like anything the Queen had seen before, and as she examined them she didn't seem to mind the minutes that ticked by in silence, though she certainly became aware of them. Thankfully, Drosil returned to his senses before she felt the need to clear her throat, and once more her focus went back to him as he got more into the flow of talking. It had been awhile since she had met a romantic in the fullest sense of the word, and it was a fairly different experience. The details he gave her continued to fill in her understanding of the two brothers, and add more to the bigger picture she was trying to make about the two of them, and where they came from. There was certainly a sadness to both of their lives, something she would never quite be able to understand considering their situation though it would not keep her from trying. The transition in his speech as he talked about Jasi surprised her, but beyond her initially startled expression she gave no other reaction, just smiling a little and giving a nod. When the staff was presented to her, her eyes widened a little in surprise before she reached forwards to take it. Despite his reassurances that she couldn't break it, she still held it carefully as she looked it over. To Kori, a Creation may as well have been an object of religious reverence; in her hands she held something that was a piece of Divine power in itself. With how carefully she looked it over, she didn't even notice his stare towards her, which perhaps was fortunate; she only looked up as he spoke, and she smiled towards him, holding the Creation carefully back to the Creator. [b]"You may, Drosil, but don't think I have forgotten that you too have yet to answer one of my questions."[/b] Drosil blinked, not comprehending quite what Kori was talking about until it hit him, his eyes widening as he slapped his hand against his forehead. Taking the staff in hand, he ran a finger around the crystalline sphere that topped the Creation, feeling the magical pulse of the material underneath, letting it flow through him as he tried to think of how he should answer her and what question he should ask first. [b]"I assume you mean when you asked what I planned to do next, in which case I say that following Cyril to Gurata seems an interesting venture. I've never been there in my travels, so it should prove quite interesting. Besides… anyone who's would use such underhanded tactics as to attack a defenseless village to incite the senseless storm of war… I can't stand by and not try to assist you in the endeavor as best as I can… if you would have me, that is."[/b] Once again, a tone of darkness had crept into Drosil voice, his eyes seeming to shift violently between the colors presented while the crystal darkened momentarily to emphasize the intensity of his brief change in mood. But, it was gone as soon as it came as he calmed himself with a few breaths. [b]"Anyway, for my first question, I feel the need to inquire about your younger sister's condition? Is she truly blind or is there some other affliction affecting her sight? I ask because I can't understand why your brother would take his blind sister on a patrol. Good as I'm sure he is with a blade, I wouldn't dare to take such a gamble in case bandits or other such dangers happen to strike."[/b] As Drosil finally answered the question that she had asked both brothers, the Queen seemed to relax some. The answer was the one she was looking for, and though Shadar seemed to be much more neutral to the situation as a whole, Drosil would hopefully continue to make sure that both brothers were in the right place at the right time. [b]"I'm sure Cyril will appreciate the help, so I thank you for it. Yes, Ayano is blind, but she makes up for it in other ways. In the simplest terms, she seems to sense color, especially through taste and smell. She has an awareness that the rest of us don't have then, and may have in fact been one of the first aware of Hillsborough as you approached."[/b] [b]"Hmm, Interesting. I wonder if there's any relation between her ability and that of the fortune teller… wait a min- FORTUNE TELLER!!!"[/b] Drosil bolted straight up, and nearly bolted out of the garden after his loud realization, but stopped himself in mid run, letting out a small cough as he seated himself, his face taking on a light dusting as he looked to the side. [b]"My apologies, your Majesty, I, uh, have been very much interested in finding fortune tellers since my career began. I feel a connection with those who can see into the strings of fate, as I believe these people also bear a connection to my Divine parent, whose gender is as unknown to me as to everyone else and is another mystery I hope to solve someday. That being said, it would be rude of me to, uh well, do what I just did, so I'll just be patient and talk to her at a later date. Yeah, I can do that… Definitely."[/b] [b]"So, now that you've answered the serious questions, I'll ask a few more that are just things I like to ask people I meet when I have the time? I find humanity in its entirety to be so interesting in its diversity of character. So, I ask you, what is it you love about life? What is the greatest love in your life? What would you do to protect them? What is your opinion on magic, and finally, what is your opinion on the Divines? I myself find them fascinating, but do not engage in their worship, while my brother has . . . issues that he needs to sort out between himself and our father, and by proxy, all of the Divine. I once asked him what he'd do once I found our parent, and his first response was something along the lines of 'Seeing whether or not they possessed any… well, you know, with a swift kick between the legs'. Needless to say, Shadar is not an avid worshipper of the Divines either, and harbors an innate dislike of those who are very obvious with their beliefs. This has led to several… conflicts that have gotten us kicked out of many a town."[/b] Drosil was certainly a quick talker. Already, the Queen had caught onto the fact that the best option was to simply let the Jasian talk himself to a stop, saying everything he wanted to say at the moment in one long, ongoing burst. For a moment she thought she had lost her conversation partner, but he came back to continue what seemed to be turning into a casual interrogation of her. She didn't seem to mind though, sitting back to rest lightly against the back of the bench as she turned over the questions briefly in her mind. It seemed to be fortunate that she was here, for she wasn't sure how the Diviner would be able to handle the extremely curious Divineborn. [b]"I love the peace within life, Drosil. The quiet, the togetherness of it. Though it may be interrupted, I believe that life will always return to that stable piece. My greatest loves, though, would surely be my brother and sister, and I would do anything to protect them if they needed me to. On magic... I believe it is a gift that should be cherished, and I recognize the Divines for what they are, and worship a few of them; Ambrosia in particular, but also Silvae and Yumio. I do not hold your lack of religion against you and your brother, though. I understand your situation is very different from mine."[/b] [b]"I should expect no less from a person of your stature. I wish all nobles were like you, your majesty, but alas, that is often not the case. This country is lucky to have such a kind and understanding ruler such as yourself."[/b] Drosil finger began to type out a short rhythm along the side of his staff, trying to think of some more questions to ask. [b]"Does your majesty happen to have any Court mages or researchers of ancient histories and magical theory that I can speak to? I wish to know more about the area we're going to and Barcea as a whole, as it'll help me to find ruins that could hold untold treasure troves of knowledge . . . and the occasional subterranean automatons, as your brother can surely tell you. Also, if you have any magical text that you finest have yet to decipher for whatever reason, I'd be glad to give you my services as I happen to be somewhat an expert in that field."[/b] The Queen blinked, before she shook her head slightly. [b]"I'm sorry, Drosil, but we don't have anything like that. Barcea has always... outsourced such issues elsewhere. I apologize if that makes your night a little more boring than you expected it to be. However, there is a library within these walls, so I hope that's enough of a substitute for you. Is there anything else you wish to ask of me?"[/b] The Queen gave no explanation as to what she meant by 'outsourcing.' [b]"Hmm, too bad, I was hoping that I'd have an opportunity to learn something amazing. Not to knock your library, of course, but deciphering ancient text is a wonder on to itself. So, your majesty, I believe that's all I really wished to ask you. Do you have any final questions for me, as I feel I've kept you for much longer then I should have with my incessant babbling. If there's nothing else, however, I believe I should call Shadar back so as not to draw suspicion and curiosity, wouldn't you agree?"[/b] Kori gave him another smile as she nodded. [b]"Perhaps one day we'll find a text to your liking, but for now there are none here. I have no more questions for you at the moment, so please do what you think is necessary."[/b] She began to stand then, still smiling. [b]"It was good to meet you, Drosil. Rest well."[/b] Drosil returned the grin with one of his own, standing up and giving a low bow to the queen as a miasma of shadows began to crawl up his form, slowly consuming him in a tempest of darkness. [b]"The pleasure was all mine, your majesty, and I do hope we meet again someday."[/b] He tapped his staff to the ground, a low whisper carving a message into the ground in front of him before he was completely cloaked in storming shadows. Within seconds, the darkness coalesced into the recognizable form of Shadar, who opened his glowing white eyes already set in their usual state of indifference to all around him. His gaze went down to the message in the ground, which was simply a note to go into the library and get books for the journey. [b]"Damn bookworm, he is, can't have a single second without some sort of mental stimulation."[/b] Shadar sighed, before turning to the queen, giving a small nod towards her. It showed that he held the tiniest embers of true respect for the monarch, but that was more than what the armored figure shared with most people. [b]"Lead the way to my chambers, if you would be so inclined, and direction to the library would also be appreciated. I promise to get them back to you if we return from this venture."[/b] The Queen gave Shadar the same smile she had given Drosil, turning to begin to walk and lead him along. [b]"This way, if you would please."[/b] [i][h3]Cyril, Calypso, and Company[/h3][/i] The Prince of Barcea was surprised at Joy's quick departure. It came so suddenly, so quickly that Cyril was completely taken off guard by it, as was everyone else in the room; considering their previous attachment though, it was the Prince and Princess who were affected the most. Briefly, Cyril's jaw dropped slightly as Joy suddenly left, and Ayano turned her head suddenly (which caused Diane to suddenly turn as well, so as to keep the brush from ripping through the Princess' hair). For a moment, Cyril didn't say anything, and then he snapped back into reality as he looked to the Sentinels once more, who were all already looking back to him once again. [b]"Uh, never mind then. Later I suppose. Just get plenty of rest tonight, and be ready for tomorrow. If you'll excuse me."[/b] With that, he quickly began to walk out as well, gently passing by Calypso and Etsuko as he said, [b]"Excuse me. Good night."[/b] Etsuko looked up from where she had been slumped against Calypso's arm. She was barely awake for Joy's sudden departure, though from what she could tell by the look on the Prince and Princess' face, along with the general atmosphere of the room, something wasn't right. All she could do was nod slowly and watch as Cyril went looking, possibly, for Joy. She wore a concerned look and would've gone after him, had it not been for her exhausted state of mind and the fact that she barely knew him. Calypso meanwhile gave Cyril a nod, before looking to Etsuko; she knew her friend was tired, and was intent on getting her to her room soon. He stepped out into the hallway, glancing in both directions. Despite Joy's limp (something he had yet to ask her about, and would have to make sure), the woman was already long gone, and the disappointment was clear on Cyril's face. After a moment of just standing there, trying to figure out what had happened, he simply shook his head and continued his way down the hallway, towards where he would be able to cross over to the inner circle to head to his own room. [hr] [i][h3]A Dream[/h3][/i] [i]They were formless, less than even a thought. Where they were was neither light nor dark, some sort of place beyond even the Void. Piece by piece they became more, though not physically. Instead it was their mind that trembled, struggled, and then blossomed into something more, something... expansive. Something about this felt familiar to them, though what could perhaps be described as its current 'majority' had no idea why. This feeling of understanding quickly faded and was locked away as, bit by bit, they began to take physical form. Though it pleased the current 'majority,' the 'minority' was not happy with the change even as it began to doze (rather than slumber as before). Despite its pleasure with the change in circumstances, they felt a tint of confusion about their body; for some reason they couldn't quite place, it felt... different. As they formed physically, so did the world around them. Fragments collected together in deep hues of red and black that began to solidify into some form of room. The other details were lost to them in that moment, as they were stitching together far too slowly and were completely overshadowed by the figure that exploded into existence in front of them. The figure was small, but seemed to float above the ground that was forming beneath it. The torso and head had completely formed in shape, the limbs not quite so as small, smooth fragments continued to slowly build up its form beyond its sudden emergence (unlike the ragged fragments that built the rest of the room all around). Details were once more lost upon them, as the figure seemed to radiate red in dark, heavy pulses that threatened to overwhelm everything else even as they simply endured. The source of these pulses seemed to come from a deep black within the figure. The incomplete arm stretched forwards to them, and though they might not have been able to see it they still felt a hand gently resting upon what was to be their face. This touch was followed by a gentle murmur, which increased in volume to words every so often: [b]"... much too early to... But... with you..."[/b] The world and figure simply dissolved away in that moment, becoming something more than black as they lost even the idea of memory once more.[/i] [hr] [i][h3]The Next Day - Morning Preparations[/h3][/i] Cyril woke at dawn the next morning, as did the rest of the Sentinels. While Diane busied herself with waking up and helping Ayano prepare for the coming trip and the rest of the Sentinels went about moving their packs towards the main entrance of the castle and the stables, Cyril made his way to the armored figure's room to wake up the... individual personally. He brought his hand up to knock firmly on the door three times, raising his voice to speak. [b]"We're getting ready to leave. Are you prepared?"[/b] The door opened to reveal Shadar, who walked out with hardly a word of greeting, not being much of a morning person in the slightest. He detested the thought of having to get up any earlier than noon, and it always left him in a sour mood. Well, more sour than is the norm. [b]"Keep your pants on, I'm up. Have been for a while . . . reading and such."[/b] Looking past Shadar's large frame, he'd see that the floor was somewhat covered with several piles of literary text. Knowing his brother, Shadar had gone through the trouble of carry approximately half the libraries contents to the room, which his brother had then proceeded to nearly blaze through the entire night until Cyril knocked on the door, using magic to help him accomplish the feat. He finished most of them, but the rest would have to come with him on the trip. [b]"So, lead the way, oh noble prince, so we can go freeze our asses off in the north. Hopefully these tribesman our more hospitable than their surroundings, though I highly doubt that for some reason."[/b] Though the Queen had informed the Prince that the figure could be trusted and that Drosil was alright and nearby, Cyril had no idea what that meant. Still, he trusted his sister, and because of that he gave the figure a nod. [b]"Right... Stables are back this way. I'll walk you part way."[/b] The Prince had other preparations to take care of, which meant he left Shadar to his own devices soon enough, but the castle was easy enough to navigate. [i][h3]Those Heading East[/h3][/i] Almost as soon as Cyril had left the night before, Etsuko felt awkward being with the rest of the Sentinels and went back to where she and Calypso would be staying for the night. She could hardly remember what happened, other than the fact that as soon as her head hit the pillow, she was knocked out. The soft light of the day came peeking through the curtains of the room, causing the Diviner to wake up. She felt rather groggy as she went about her morning routine as best as she could, and once she finished, she went and knocked on Calypso's door, to see if her companion was ready. The door was opened after a moment, Calypso standing there only half dressed and disoriented from sleep, but with her smile on her face; thankfully though she was someone to get ready quickly. Once they both were, they wandered around the castle for a bit, the former looking for someone to thank for their hospitality. She figured that with the Sentinels leaving, they'd probably be at the entrance of the castle and led her companion there, who of course followed along willingly. It wasn't Cyril there though, as he still moving about making the final preparations; instead, it was Kori who stood there as she waited to bid everyone farewell, already dressed and completely ready for the day, and more awake than many of the Sentinels. At the sight of the Diviner and her friend, the Queen smiled, giving them a nod. [b]"Diviner Tanaka, Calypso, good morning. Did you sleep well?"[/b] Etsuko felt a bit stunned to see that it was the Queen she'd be paying her respects to rather than the Prince and Princess, but whatever sleep had been creeping around in her mind was certainly gone after a few blinks. She managed to nod and smile back, though. [b]"Yes, we did. Thank you for letting us stay in the castle for the night."[/b] Kori smiled a little more at Etsuko's words and Calypso's wave. [b]"Of course. It was really the least I could do. Do you know what you'll be doing next, now?"[/b] She nodded her head once again, her own smile growing as Kori's did. [b]"We'll be heading back to our village from here. We might stop by one or two on the way home, in case the village elders would like a reading."[/b] The question of her divination's accuracy came into mind and sent a pit into her stomach, causing her smile to falter slightly. Maybe they'd just head straight home instead... [b]"I wish you luck, then. Is there anything you need from me?"[/b] [b]"O-Oh, no! You've already done so much for us! T-Thank you for your hospitality, again. A-And we wish you and the Sentinels safety."[/b] [b]"Thank you, Diviner Tanaka. You'll always be welcome here."[/b] Kori's gaze was diverted slightly to the side, as Cyril approached. He carried his own travel bags, and at the sight of seeing his sister with the two guests he briefly blinked before he smiled. [b]"Good morning Kori, Ms. Etsuko, Ms. Calypso. Are you preparing to leave as well you two?"[/b] Etsuko nodded her head. [b]"Yes, we are. We're heading home for now."[/b] She didn't have the heart to mention going through other villages, not when she was doubting her abilities and the H'kelan attack on Hillsborough looming around in her head. [b]"Thank you for letting us stay the night. We really appreciate it."[/b] [b]"Of course."[/b] He continued to smile, not aware of her doubts as he gave a nod. [b]"I'll be sure to let Ayano know you said goodbye. Right now she's a little... preoccupied."[/b] Diane was still busy at work making sure Ayano was ready for such a long journey into a foreign nation, and he didn't want to possibly lose a hand by trying to interfere. [b]"Thank you both for your help."[/b] She smiled a bit at the mention of Ayano. [b]"Please thank her for us as well. Stay safe, all of you."[/b] [b]"And you as well."[/b] Calypso brought up her hand, giving a wave then. [b]"Goodbye...~"[/b] After their farewell, Etsuko began the trek outside of the castle. She let herself breathe the Capitol air, wondering when she'd be back. Chances were, with how far their village was, it wouldn't be for a while. She smiled up at Calypso then. [b]"Ready to head home?"[/b] Calypso gave her a nod, smiling at her friend. [b]"Of course...~"[/b] With that, the two continued on their way as those within the castle prepared for a very different journey... Though before they left, Calypso dragged her friend to the stables to give one last farewell to Sir Mauls-a-lot, something that would certainly wake Etsuko fully up. [i][h3]The Beginning of the Departure[/h3][/i] Just outside the castle the Sentinels began to mount up for the long ride ahead, Cyril helping his younger sister up onto the horse. After he had done so, Kori stepped forwards, gently placing her hand on Ayano's before taking Cyril's as well, smiling to the both of them as she squeezed both. As Cyril gave her a resolved nod and Ayano grabbed Kori's hand with both of hers, Kori let go and stepped away, looking to them all as she spoke and smiled. [b]"Good luck to you all, and thank you. We will eagerly be waiting your return here, and the good news."[/b] Cyril pulled himself up onto his horse after Kori spoke, looking to her afterwards briefly. [b]"We'll be back as soon as possible."[/b] He looked forwards then, and as he flicked the reins he said, [b]"Everyone, let's go."[/b] Beyond the walls in the city the scene was much different than it had been the day before. Already the soldiers were being gathered that morning, called from their homes to defend them. Though details were scarce, news had arrived about the attack sometime early that morning, and the mustering of arms only confirmed them. Who had done the attack, the size of it, and similar specifics weren't publicly known yet. Some thought that bandits were the culprits, and that the scale had been minimal... But there were those who assumed H'kela was the culprit, and because of that the atmosphere was less than pleasant around the Ambassador Cade's home. Despite the gathered crowd and the murmuring, Cyril led the Sentinels to the front of the flower shop before the apartment, before dismounting. [b]"Wait here. I'll be back soon."[/b] He made his way up the stairs to the door of the apartment, hoping that Joy was here as well; she had mentioned coming here before she had suddenly disappeared, and he had no other clues to where she might be. Mirroring the same three loud knocks that he had used earlier within the castle, perhaps out of habit, he once more brought his voice up to announce himself. [b]"Ambassador Cade, are you prepared to leave?"[/b] [b]"The Ambassador is having a mild panic attack, my Prince,"[/b] said a voice. [b]"I had informed him this morning that a carriage would not make it on the roads in Gurata and that he should only bring one light pack."[/b] It was Joy, looking up at Cyril from the bottom of the stair. She had apparently gone out and bought a thick, dark cloak for their journey into Gurata. Her hand was wrapped around the reins of two saddled horses. One was brown and already packed for the road; the other was gray and adorned with the Cade's gemstone crest. Any hints of last night's activities had been washed away with a much needed and enjoyed bath, as well as a significant layer of dirt and grime. She had pinned her hair back to keep it from falling in her face. It made her look a bit brighter, a bit more approachable, and almost even like a respectable member of society. Unfortunately, the water had done little to wash away her general unpleasantness or change her bitter gray eyes. [b]"I apologize for not returning to the castle last night; the Ambassador had wanted to talk to me about his brother,"[/b] she said, lying unflinchingly and without showing the slightest sign of it. [b]"He's quite chatty. It was after dark when we were done, and he offered to let me stay in his guest room instead of walking back to the castle."[/b] The woman sighed, casting a suspicious eyes across the crowd. [b]"We could be here for a while, I'm afraid. Before I slipped out he was assigning ranks to his clothing and muttering to them under his breath,"[/b] she said. It was clear she wasn't joking. The door creaked open. Ennis looked significantly solemn, like he had just lost somebody dear to him, and his eyes were dark and puffy. [b]"Prince Cyril, I...It's good to see you. I'm sorry, this day has already been quite rough,"[/b] said the Ambassador as he stepped out of his door with one pack in his hand. [b]"Could some of your men help me with my stuff? There's a few more packs inside that..."[/b] [b]"One pack,"[/b] interrupted Joy, shooting a vicious glance at Ennis before turning her eyes back to the crowd, watching for any trouble. [b]"Their horses are already loaded. The weight would be too much."[/b] [b]"Of course, you're right,"[/b] said Ennis, defeated as he slung his pack over his gray horse. [b]"Ready when you are, Prince."[/b] The Prince, who had initially been surprised by Joy's voice from behind him and had turned to look at her, seemed to almost have expected the news she gave him about Ennis' 'dilemma.' He gave her a nod and an almost wry smirk, not at all suspicious of the lie she so easily fed him. Quietly waiting for Ennis to emerge, Cyril wasn't expecting the almost... miserable state that the Ambassador was in, eyebrows raising ever slightly in his surprise. Was this really because he couldn't bring all of his clothes with him...? [b]"Uh... Right."[/b] Cyril turned with a slight shake of his head, before making his way down the stairs as well to return to his own horse, pulling himself up onto the saddle. Briefly glancing to Joy and Ennis, he gave a nod before he looked back forwards. [b]"Let's not waste any time, then. It's a long way to the border."[/b] They still had one more stop to make, and the Prince was anxious to be on the way. [i][h3]Newcomers - The Caravan Guards[/h3][/i] Arvis awoke as the rays of sun stroked his face through the gap in the curtains which he had apparently not drawn properly the previous night. He gazed across the room and noticed that his garments and equipment were still in exactly the same position he had left them; no one had been in and disturbed it or him as he slept, which was always a good sign. He swung his legs over the side of the bed, feeling the cold wooden floor beneath them as he got up, stretched, and removed the dagger from under his pillow before heading over to the bathroom to clean himself up. His thoughts roamed back to last night and his reunion with Lyrena, and a smile crossed his face as he cupped water from the running faucet and splashed it over his face. The timing was good because he needed something positive in his life at the moment, especially since his quest to join the Sentinels had met a hiccup recently and he had missed a major opportunity to unite with them and show them what he could do. However, one hiccup wasn't going to sway him from his lifelong dream; another chance would come and he would just have to listen out for it. He heard a small knock on the door as he left the bathroom, he dried his face as he walked and opened the door slightly, concealing his half naked torso behind the door. Lyrena’s face beamed up at him as she greeted him with a cheery good morning and pushed past him into the room. Arvis hastily closed the door and looked down at the numerous large scars that now resided on his body, spinning on his heels and holding the face towel over his exposed abdomen as he faced Lyrena with a smile. [b]"Good morning, you slept well I hope."[/b] Lyrena turned to face him, her smile still present. She ran her eyes over his once again covered body and raised an eyebrow, and he held her gaze a short while until he realized what she was trying to point out to him. He shook his head and scrambled around for his undershirt, and upon finding it he turned around (dropping the towel as he did so) to pull the shirt over his head. Lyrena chuckled at his awkwardness before she replied. [b]"I did, thank you. I can tell you did also, you haven't fully awoken yet...."[/b] she laughed. [b]"I have ordered breakfast downstairs, and it should be ready shortly so, um, when you're ready just head down to the lounge... I'll just… I'll just meet you there."[/b] She flashed a smile. She had to get out of there before she did something she was sure she would regret. Brushing her beautiful blonde hair back over her shoulder with her hand, she made her exit. Arvis felt it too; there was something electric between them, something he hadn't experienced before. He knew she felt it too because she was never shy and had never stumbled over her words as she had just then. He shook his head and finished clothing and arming himself before heading downstairs to the lounge. Lyrena had been sitting in the comfortable armchairs in the near corner as Arvis entered the lounge. She was looking intently out of the window when he approached, but shifted her gaze to him as he took a seat. [b]"I ordered your favorite."[/b] she announced as her ever present smile grew wider, and Arvis raised an eyebrow at her. [b]"Buttered Pancakes...? Blueberry compote….? With syrup? A side of seasoned sausages sliced over egg bread…?”[/b] He watched as she nodded after each item he mentioned. [b]"You remembered, thank you very much. You know, I didn't realize they did that here."[/b] [b]"They don't, but I made a special request. We have a big day today, something of a surprise if you like. Anyway I'm sure you will enjoy it, and we're going to need a big breakfast."[/b] As the two within the Gilded Horn both began and finished up their breakfast, the group of Sentinels and their new companions continued their way through the streets. The closer they got to the outer walls, the more crowded things became; more and more soldiers and guards could be seen, preparing to go to the defense of Barcea. At the inn, Cyril once again brought the company to a halt, removing himself from the saddle. [b]"Wait here, I'll only be a moment."[/b] He passed his way through the door of the inn with ease, taking a few steps in as he looked around. His presence drew attention, it being a surprise visit; but thanks to the expression on the Prince's face, the people kept quiet as he slowly looked around the common room, hands resting on his sides as he scanned the room for Lyrena. Just before this as Lyrena finished her breakfast, she called over the concierge and requested he bring their belongings downstairs. He politely obliged and scurried off out of the lounge. She watched as the young man hurriedly made his way upstairs before ordering a second cup of tea. Meanwhile Arvis placed his cutlery down the plate before him as he finished the last of his morning meal, before he looked up at Lyrena and smiled. [b]"You know I hoped I'd see you again. It was a tough decision to make, and right now I wonder if it was even worth it."[/b] He said. Lyrena returned his smile, she made a half move to touch his hand but withdrew it instantly; instead she smiled more brightly and looked for the waiter who would bring her tea over, though he wasn’t ready yet. [b]"Don't say that Arvis, every decision we make defines who we are. I see a young man stronger and wiser than most; you have already grown so much in the few months you've been away..."[/b] She flashed an expression of sadness but quickly recovered. [b]"...Much like myself, I've..."[/b] She cut off as she saw a figure enter the Inn’s lobby. The young man was dressed in the most exquisite garments and armor and she recognized him instantly. In that moment her tea was then placed at the table before her as the waiter blindsided her, almost making her jump out of her skin. [b]"Arvis, we need to finish up here... Our escort is here."[/b] she added as she took a long sip of her tea. With that final sip she stood from her seat, watching as Arvis did the same. She made her way out of the lounge and greeted Cyril with a deep curtsey. [b]"Your Highness, a pleasure to see you again. May I introduce a friend?"[/b] she asked as she stepped aside for Arvis, whose eyebrows raised in surprise as he noticed who Lyrena was talking to. He stepped forward to bow deeply. [b]"Your Highness, it is an honor to meet you. Arvis Welwyn Rann of Gotenmor village, sir. Requesting permission to accompany His highness and Miss Stomfort on your quest."[/b] he announced, standing by Lyrena’s side as he awaited the response of the Prince. On Lyrena's approach, the movement drew the Prince's gaze. Briefly he gave the woman a smile, though it didn't last very long and was constantly affected by his serious demeanor. [b]"Good morning, Lyrena."[/b] He gave her a nod after her greeting, but even before he could ask who her friend was the young man was introducing himself. The Prince slowly looked him up and down, clearly sizing him up. He was another Barcean, that much was for certain, and another volunteer. He glanced back and forth between the two of them before he spoke, making sure to watch their reactions to what he said next. [b]"I have no qualms with it, but you two may. The plans are bigger than we initially realized; we're going to be heading to Gurata. Are you two prepared to do that?"[/b] Arvis instinctively looked toward Lyrena. Though he was more than happy to be going, he didn’t want to force her to if she wasn't happy about it. Lyrena met his eyes and gave him an approving nod accompanied by a smile. [b]"Gurata is a harsh and unforgiving land, filled with not only deadly creatures but deadly people too..."[/b] Arvis spoke as though he found the job too dangerous for them before he cut himself off, and then looked back to the Prince and smiled. [b]"You're going to need all the help you can get, we're in."[/b] He bowed deeply to the Prince as he finished. Looking out of the front window Arvis noticed a convoy of horses, where thereere only two horses unmanned. The first wore luscious garments in Barcean colors, and was clearly the Prince’s horse. The second was dressed how one would imagine a travelling horse to, again in Barcean colors; that one must be for Lyrena. Luckily Arvis had his own horse. [b]"Your Highness, please waste neither time nor worry for I have a horse of my own that I will ride. If time is of the essence, I am ready to depart, Your Highness."[/b] He said bowing deeply again, before going to scoop up his belongings. He headed for the smaller door to the right hand side of the room that led him to the stables, moving down the line looking for Archibald and smiling when he met the large horse’s gaze. [b]"How are we doing buddy, ready for a journey into the unknown?"[/b] he asked the horse. He geared up and prepped Archibald for the journey before leading him out of the stable. Gurata was so cold it was known to be deadly, so Arvis stopped at the stable hand and purchased a large fur for his horse to wear once they reached the bitter cold of Gurata. Packing this onto the horse’s carry bag, he mounted Archibald, placing his feet in the stirrups before he joined the back of the convoy, where he was pleased to see Lyrena already packed, geared and waiting. This felt good; he was going on a quest with the Prince and his Sentinels. This was what he had been waiting for, and he was going to get the chance to show the Prince what he could do. The best part was having Lyrena around to both help him and keep him company. He felt the warmth inside him grow again since being in her company, and though he still wasn't entirely sure what it meant he was sure he would know more before this quest was through. He fell in rank, volunteering to take the rear guard and awaited the order to move out. [i][h3]The Road North[/h3][/i] With their new members and the citizens of Barcea watching them with hope, the group finally made their exit from the Capitol and turned their way north. Their last glimpse of the Capitol would be its tall walls, and the soldiers that were already gathering to begin marching towards the western border in its entirety. It drew to mind the fact that, once again, war had returned to the East. It gave the otherwise hopeful sight of the Capitol a sour, unpleasant turn. The roads north actually briefly angled to the northwest initially, before turning more directly towards the Guratan nation. In front of them was a trek of at least a day and a half, but it would more than likely be two days if one were to account for any delays, and this is what Cyril expected. The plan, as he outlined it just after they left the Capitol, was to reach one of the villages along the border by nightfall to not only rest there but buy the any supplies they might not have already had for Gurata, before continuing their way on into the northern nation. What Cyril did not mention was that they would probably pass by many destroyed villages along the way, but he didn't have to. Their initial heading into the northwest brought them into the curve that the H'kelan forces had targeted, and before midday they had already passed three destroyed villages. Cyril made sure to give them a wide berth whenever they came into sight, taking them off the road to cut around them through the rolling fields of Barcea. Every time they passed by one an angry look would pass over the Prince's face, but it would quickly melt away as he hid his feelings and briefly closed his eyes as he inhaled and exhaled. As midday approached and the fourth village came into sight, Cyril did his best not to even look as he prepared to take them off the road once again. However, the brief glance out of the corner of his eye made him come to a complete stop, a shocked look coming over his face as he looked ahead. [b]"What in the Hell..."[/b] Without any sort of explanation, the Prince suddenly spurred his horse into a full gallop, heading straight towards the village. Despite their initial confusion the Sentinels followed, but the reason why came to them soon enough: the village, though it had been undoubtedly in the path of the H'kelan forces, was unharmed. There was not a sign of even a single burned home or a destroyed crop, but more importantly the people within could easily be seen from the distance, living as they would any day. As the Prince came to a stop after galloping into the village, a crowd began to form and a confused clamor rose. As the Sentinels caught up and the Prince struggled to hear everything going on around him, he caught snatches of everything from greetings like, [b]"Hail, Prince"[/b] to questions such as, [b]"What's happening?! There were H'kelans, and-"[/b] Whatever else was said by that one particular woman was lost in the clamor, and Cyril had to raise his voice above the entire crowd to ask his own question: [b]"How... How did you survive?"[/b] It was a simple, short question, but it was all he could manage. Still, it brought silence to everyone as the villagers looked back and forth to try and find the words to explain what had happened.