Komada blushed a little bit as she was pointed out to be the only one among them that did not speak English. In fact, she was a little surprised that Hanta said he could speak some English. She had assumed he knew a little bit because of his gaming, but if he could actually speak it, that would be astounding. Her smile grew broader as Hana described Lancaster and she nodded excitedly, "Oh my god, that's sounds so beautiful..." She said before the two carried on with their bubbly, energetic conversation. Eventually, there was a cut-in from Hanta and Komada looked over, finally realizing what he had asked. "Oh, yeah, I mean... Isn't it strange?" She chimed in, looking to Lily and Hana. Lily shrugged her shoulders, "We were born here and lived here our whole lives... So to us, no... Our parents love to travel and when it came time to settle, they decided that Tokyo would be their home." She turned her head to Hanta and raised an eyebrow, "Hope it's not too disappointing," She said flatly as their food was brought out. Komada began to eat with vigor - it seemed as though she and Hana were almost racing. However, when her dish was placed in front of her, Lily stared at it for a moment before slowly reaching forward and grabbing her chopsticks. She had mostly noodles, which she ate very politely. Truly, every action she made was absolutely deliberate and thought out. It certainly smelled delicious, but based on her expression, one would have absolutely no idea whether she was enjoying it. Komada, however, showed a bright smile as she wolfed down her plate. Meanwhile, Lily just shook her head with a sigh, "That's a bit morbid..." Komada looked up with half of a bite hanging from her mouth, tilting her head in curiosity. "Hm?" She asked, biting off what she had in her mouth and pulled the food away, speaking with her mouth full, "What is?" She swallowed and let out a relaxed sigh. "Try some refinement, you look like a pig," Lily said with a roll of her eyes. Komada huffed and looked to the two others at the table, blushing hotly; in all honesty, she hadn't cared what she looked like, but then she realized that she was with other people and she didn't want them to be judged. "Oh... Erm... S-sorry," She said, looking down before picking up a piece of bread and ripping off small bites at a time, humming quietly. Lily then paused for a moment, looking Komada over, then Hanta, and back again. "You two don't exactly strike me as siblings..." She said thoughtfully, "Her hair is straight and yours is a little bit... shaggier... And your eyes are different and you simply don't look similar... Are you adopted siblings?" Clearly, despite her mentioning of refinement, Lily was not always one for manners. Komada gulped as she swallowed a rather large bite, slowly reverting to her original pace of devouring her food before she shook her head, nearly answering. However, instead she decided to indulge her curiosity as she glanced to Hanta, awaiting his answer first.