[b]Character Name:[/b] Fendric Masaryk [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Race:[/b] Terran [b]Homeworld:[/b] Twilight, a dense planet with a vast underground network of cavern-cities converted from a long-defunct corporate mining complex. Much of the necessity in building underground, besides pure convenience on account of those mining operations, comes from the fact that Twilight is tidally locked, with nearly the whole planet either too hot or too cold to support any but the most specialized or microscopic life. Above-ground cities do exist, but they are small and form a line that follows the dusk/dawn line. The cities are also mounted on massive tracked vehicles with open deck areas of tens of square kilometers. The mobile underworks of the city exists to adjust the city's precise location in accordance with the minute, seasonal, changes to the Dusk-Dawn Line to match the planet's orbital wobble. These crawler-cities are archaic leftovers from the corporate mining operations. Construction of new crawler-cities was decided to be cost-prohibitive, hence the population shift into the mines. The cities, however, do not lack for spare parts as there is a massive industry built solely around the construction of machinery for these devices. The industrialization has also made Twilight to be something of a regional leader for mid-quality heavy industrial machinery of all sorts, with a small ship-building industry. Most of the planet's military hardware is imported, but it does export military components, like navigation computers, fuel tanks, ammunition, and various other mechanical parts. The planet's geography is pretty average, quite solid with massive polar ice flats which created a thin, but breathable, atmosphere thanks to sublimation. Liquid water is uncommon in all but the deepest, warmest, parts of the cave systems. Due to the ice, water, standard liquid rocket propellant (liquid oxygen and liquid hydrogen) is a major export as well, sold mainly to frontier worlds where they launch rockets to massive orbital stockyards that connect them to the galactic market. [b]Appearance:[/b] Having lived underground for most of his life, Fendric is quite pale, almost ashen in complexion, with sandy blond hair and reddish eyes adapted slightly for low-light conditions. He's a small, straight, nose, his lips tight and serious, giving him a perpetual look of serious contemplation or even disapproval. Clean-shaven, he wears his hair just over an inch in length, styled in no particular way. His physical shape matches that of pilots of old, short and stocky. 5'7", 180 pounds. [b]Personal History:[/b] His life prior to joining up with the League's armed forces was pretty run of the mill and uninteresting for any cavern-raised citizen of Twilight. Not a lot of space, too little light, it all grated on the young Fendric before he left the planet. When he put in his requests at the recruitment station, he insisted on going into the aerospace track, simply because he knew if he went into the infantry, he'd be liable to be thrown into some urban garrison, doing nothing. And the navy was too confining as well, in its own way. Sure, cockpits were even more cramped, but at least there was a lot more freedom of movement. In an aerospace vehicle, he at least chose where he'd go. In a ship, he had no control. He went off to the Dorset Aerospace Academy on the planet Cornubia. Fresh out of flight school, he served 9 months in a YSS-1001 with a DefCom System Defense Force, flying out of an orbital defense station that sat at a geosynchronous polar orbit high over the main settled planet in the system. This instilled in him an interest in electronic warfare. Flying as a back-seater was a frustrating experience for the man however, since he never felt at ease, without active, constant, control over his craft's movements. At the end of his 9 months with the System Defense Force, he put in for a transfer, where his qualifications in the YSS-1001 were an asset, put onto a picket carrier that hunted down the undesirable, criminal, resistance to the League. He mostly flew interdiction and anti-smuggling patrols, to great effect, but he hated that feeling on the back of his head, that sense that his RWO was silently judging his every single action. When transferred to 122 Expeditionary Aerospace Combat Squadron, Fendric finally got a change to fly his own ship. It was nice to now be in the front seat, and to be up there without a nagging RWO in his ears. He's been with them for about a year. Now here, he's looking to tray and modify his AI system to serve as a more effective Electronics Warfare platform. He's also currently examining hte feasibility to modify the dorsal payload bay, to remove the tube launchers and replace them with an EW pod, to ensure his ship conforms with the tube-launcher dimensions. That modification is still a work in progress, however. [b]Personality:[/b] Fendric loves his tobacco, his drink, and just doing whatever he feels like. He's a pilot's pilot, as it were, with a bit of an attitude, preferring to work on hs machine himself, treating it with the sort of care due to a child. His idea of relaxation, when not drinking or smoking, is reading AARs, theory books, and spending time in the simulators, putting the lessons posited in the texts to practical use. Despite his business-first mindset for free time, he loves spending time when possible with his comrades, knowing full well that trust, friendship, and morale were the keys to an effective unit. [b]Gear and Equipment: [/b] [list] [*] Pilot's Battle Suit [*] M54 Adaptable Combat Rifle in Carbine configuration for ground operations. [*] M8 Sidearm (all times) [*] M36 Tactical Knife [*] M12 PDW in the ejection capsule's emergency locker. [*] Comms suite (rucksack, ground ops only) [/list] [b]Fighter Customisations:[/b] Matte finish. Engine cowlings are painted red on the top, white on the bottom.