Even though the entire battle had been illusionary, perhaps some kind of complicated psychic projection, when that blast hit him in the chest he felt every ounce of the pain as the energy absorbed into his body. It was akin to having his insides burst into flames and he could even feel the energy surging through his eyes. This particular...absorption he guessed...was the largest yet. He wasn't exactly sure how all of this Danger Room stuff worked but he knew that all of it felt entirety real. The pain, the hunger for more, the feeling of still being empty in some way even though this was the most energy he'd ever consumed. In a strange way he thirsted for it, but he forced the sensation down like he always did, which proved more difficult than ever before because despite him feeling that blast it wasn't real...none of it was. Once he saw others leaving the room he gathered himself and followed. There were two locker rooms, separated by gender, and so they all went into their designated room and after a quick shower, he changed into his clean clothes. Just moments ago his shirt had seemingly burned away in the blast, but that had all been part of the magic trick. His clothes weren't damaged at all other than being covered in sweat. They hadn't been in there for very long, but the sense of danger, the adrenaline, being in the midst of the fray, and feeling that red hot burning from the sentinel's blast was more than enough to get his blood pumping. In fact, it had been an excellent work out in itself. Nathan slipped on his faded denim jacket over his short sleeved, solid gray shirt and in a way he felt more complete than he had before. The jacket was like a second skin to him and for some reason it nullified a bit of his anxiety when he had it on. Probably because it helped cover some of his scars... 'My scars!' Nathan yelled inside his head. 'Oh God, everyone probably saw them.' He could feel his breathing intensify as anxiety spilled over him like a bucket of ice water. He looked at everyone, and even though he knew it was probably all in his head he felt their judgmental gazes burning through his soul and he began to hear laughter erupting around him. It wasn't the other students laughing at him, no it was someone very specific. 'Mom?' He exclaimed internally before letting his anxiety get the best of him. With his shoes and dirty clothes in hand Nathan let out an almost angry noise and just started running towards the door, slamming it open and desperately making his way outside. The logical part of his brain realized now that his scars had probably been revealed during the battle, but that no one would have had time to examine his dirty little secrets. If anyone had seen them it would've been in the locker room and they probably wouldn't even really notice or judge him for having them. However, it wasn't the logical side of his brain in charge right now...and so he ran.