[@Drewccapp] it was wild haha. The first night almost everyone got pass-out drunk and his boyfriend almost started a fire to get everyone to leave the house. There were two of our military friends there and one of them cut open their pinky and it wouldn't stop bleeding. I ended making an emergency run to get band aides, water, snacks, and ointment for the cut and the cashier just looked at me like [i]rough night?[/i] By the time I got back one girl was passed out, another was stumbling everywhere while asking for more alcohol(we were out by then), dude with the cut was throwing up, other military dude was freaking out, and birthday boy's boyfriend was burning chicken on the stove in a desperate attempt to make everyone leave. The next morning military dude needed stitches cause it turns out he opened up an important vein. The second night we toned it, excuse my language, the fuck down and just got Mexican. Military man left his knife in my car, so I gave it to birthday boy after showing him how to use so he didn't cut himself. Tldr; no more nights out for Tea for a while. Hope everyone had a less eventful weekend!