[center][IMG]http://i66.tinypic.com/1t36g8.gif[/IMG][/center] Just moments after leaving the locker room, Casper saw how Nathan dashed past him and ran out. [i][color=6ecff6]"What's his problem...?"[/color][/i] The guy had just swallowed a nuke ray, it must have hurt like a bitch but that sudden escape wasn't very expected. Casper stopped for a moment, just looking at Nathan as he ran away. It didn't take long before the older boy disappeared from sight but his presence lingered in Casper's mind. [color=6ecff6][i]"I'm doing that fucking thing again...aren't I?"[/i][/color] Casper had a tendency of over analyzing things. He saw Nathan run away after essentially saving the whole group from a hologram and that probably hurt, [i]a lot.[/i] Casper also knew that Nathan had social anxiety and the amount of eyes set on him after that stunt were probably too much to handle. He wasn't quite sure how to handle this. Should he go and try to talk with the anxious guy or leave him alone? Going there to talk with him was probably going to open another can of worms that Nate didn't want to be part of. How the hell did people with social anxiety operate? Did they appreciate it when you talked with them, or did they want to be alone? [i][color=6ecff6]"Fuckin' hell...why are people so complicated? And why do I give a fuck...?"[/color][/i] Despite trying to convince himself that he honestly didn't care about others, Casper actually had a soft spot for people. If he truly didn't care about anyone else, this whole X-Men business would have been a no go from the very start, but it wasn't. He found himself standing there in the hallway for a while, thinking this little situation over as he ran his fingers through his still relatively wet hair. While he tended keep an eye on what was happening in his surroundings, doing so in the boys' locker room wasn't exactly something he was going to victimise himself with. Seeing a bunch of guys naked was rather distracting. Better to just get showered up and leave as quickly as possible with your eyes set on the floor the whole time. [color=6ecff6][i]"Someone else can talk with him, right...? I mean, Alex tries way too hard to be a hero and Flower Power seems like a good guy..."[/i][/color] Continuing his walk, Casper shifted hands on the bag he carried to even out the weight, his eyes still on the floor the whole time. He knew it would eventually come to this, it always did. Casper was a loner but he was also a person who liked to know what was happening around him. Also, given the fact that his mother was a soldier, he had a very serious view of teamwork despite his exterior expressions. It was very rare to see Casper in any kind of excited state as he commonly looked bored, no matter the situation, but when it came to a team he knew he was going to spend a lot of time with, not to mention fight alongside, he was ready to take a step or two he otherwise wouldn't. Nathan had, quite obviously. [color=6ecff6][i]"So...say I talk with him, what then? If he opens up to me, which he won't, I'd have to sit through his shit...right? I mean...fuck, it's not like sitting there, nodding my head will help...right?"[/i][/color] Sighting softly, Casper reached into his pocket and put his earbuds in, turning on his iPod. [color=6ecff6][i]"Okay so if he's unstable, it can get us all fuckin' killed on the field, right? No biggie...I mean, social anxiety just fucks with your head and shit and then...we all go pop...fucking hell! Someone's gonna' have to sort that dude out or we're all gonna' pay for it when going up against a-...I'm probably going way too far here..."[/i][/color] Turning the volume up on his music, Casper tried to shut the thoughts out of his head but it was with little success. He was certain that the way he was walking was not the way back to his dorm, though. This was the way Nathan had ran. [i][color=6ecff6]"Look, Casper's being a good boy...he's actually trying..."[/color][/i] With another sigh, he changed the song on his iPod and picked up his pace slightly, his bag swaying back and forth as he walked. [i][color=6ecff6]"Ya' know Nate...that one chick came all the day from Russia 'cause they probably eat mutants there...that girl's got issues...maybe you two can bond and stuff..."[/color][/i] Scratching the back of his head, Casper looked back up, his eyes searching for Nathan with little luck. He ran in this direction and Casper could perhaps catch up to him eventually, maybe. [color=6ecff6][i]"So...am I doing this for me, or for him? Do I even give a shit, or do I just not want him to be in the way...? C'mon Cassy...try to pretend that you fuckin' care, okay?"[/i][/color]