Alison was changing into a different shirt slowly, staring at nothing as if she was in a trance remembering all that had just happened. She felt like she would need some time to process it all and also, decide whether she was simply shocked or damn angry at being manipulated like that. She felt like she should have noticed somehow, Illusions being her area of expertise, and vaguely recalled that the first thing she'd though when it had all started was 'this has got to be a test'. Well, she might want to consider listening to her intuition more often. Alison pretty much felt like her heart had stopped in there more than once, when their teachers had seemed to be hurt so badly, when nothing any of them could think of had worked against that thing, when she'd seen Nathan [i]letting[/i] that robot thing hit him. It would have definitely helped if they ahd gotten around to proper introductions before they had been thrown in there to fend for themselves alone. Okay, so maybe she would decide on being angry. At least as long as she ever managed to stay angry at anyone. So not very long. She understood that they had been tested. That their capability as a team had been tested, to make sure they would be a good match and didn't work against each other. And in that respect she found they hadn't been all that bad. They had taken care of the injured and they had tried to protect each other. With some training and proper coordination, she was sure they would even manage to work together properly and come up with plans that would involve all their talents and sue them as best as possible. That was, after all, how a team was supposed to be. She stuffed the shirt into her bag and pulled on the dark-green sweater she had packed, thin, slightly loose and perfectly comfortable for training in. She sighed and grabbed her bag, leaving the room and forcing herself to wake out of that stupor since she was facing the world again as soon as she went through those doors. Alison had just entered the hallway when she saw, and heard, the door of the boys' changing room get thrown open and loudly banging against the wall. She watched wide-eyed as Nathan stormed outside and blinked for a second, then noticed Casper had seen as well. He seemed to be thinking for a moment, then started following the older boy. She wasn't sure for a second, whether she should do the same or leave it to him, then decided it couldn't hurt if they both tried. She was fit, so it wasn't hard to catch up to Casper, not wanting to startle him though, she jogged closer and called out from a few feet away. [color=Teal]"Casper?"[/color] she asked, trying to get his attention. [color=Teal]"Casper! Hey, Nathan headed this way, right? He seemed upset..."[/color]