I might have to edit this along and along. For some reason I'm having a hard time matching how I actually play him to a CS. Full name: Richard Flatts Age: 20 Gender: Male Part of Rebirth: Will be, yes. Rank/assignment: I'm going to say a Warrant Officer assuming they are all probably Warrant or Petty Officers. There's a full list of ranks in the Rebirth topic. Call-sign: Catch Personality: At first he seems to be the bad boy rough type, not liking to be pushed around or talked down to. Soon though you can see that he can be quite friendly, enjoying a good conversation. He isn't one to tangle with. He has no reservations about confronting an issue, or a person. For the most part he is respectful to his commanding officers, not wanting to hurt his chance of climbing the ladder. However, this doesn't mean his not willing to rattle the lion's cage, so to say. Richard is somewhat of a flirt and is always trying to impress the girls. History: Came from a poor family of metal workers on Mardish. Joined the army to make a difference and have a better life. Has had some experience as a ground soldier and is now trying out being a Viper pilot. Skills: Is an skilled with guns and a decent pilot. He is good at commanding people and situations. He has lots of brute strength, which makes him good at straight up fist fights. Weaknesses: Isn't terribly coordinated in hand to hand combat situations. Has difficulty with personal relationships. Romantic relationship: Single and ready to mingle! Other: He's actually a cool guy once you get through the gruffy exterior. Appearance: 6'5" big build. He has dark brown hair and brown eyes. Can often be seen smoking a cigar.