Ally fingered her dagger as a Watcher neared. Her heart wasn't in her actions, but if it came to it, Ally didn't know what she would do. One creature over his tribe? Ally listened to the hunting calls of the tribe's hunters. Ally could have sworn one of the voices she heard was her sister's. But in all actuality there was no way to tell. She let one bare knee drop to the ground to support her crouch. She wasn't wearing much apart from a fine layer of dirt. Just a pair of shorts, bindings across her breasts, various pouches, and arrows. Another cry came from the hunters just before an explosion rocked the ground. The Watcher nearing Ally made a small startled cry. It felt from the noise, nearly bolting over her crouched figure. Luck was with her that she was already further down in preparation. Else she might have gotten more than even she wanted from the Watcher in a full on collision. Once the Watcher was over her, Ally was up and moving. The Grazers were running. Already she could hear them coming her way, set to pass by her with more than enough room to spare. Ally didn't approve of wholesale slaughter and she dreaded returning to see the dead deer. Their lifeless eyes echoing their fear. Just a few minutes earlier they had been contently munching on the grass. Now they were dead. It wasn't fair. Ally slowed to a trot and slung her bow over her shoulder. Now that she didn't have to worry about hiding she could easily see the hunting party standing tall against the waist high grass. The girl slowed even more and let loose an explosive sigh. She could almost feel the presence of her paragon, peace, with her. But she couldn't. Hadn't been able to since she had awoken. Death always made it go away. Ally wiggled her bare toes in the dirt and looked back over at where the Grazers had stopped. They were barely dots now. The herd happily content once more. Simple minds they were, but it didn't condone mass slaughter. Her lips pressed into a thin line. With the bounty, it would take the tribe a few hours to be ready to move again. At which point it would be dark. Which meant they'd leave tomorrow morning. There was no reason for Ally to return so soon. No one would miss her. In fact they might be happy to see less of her for an afternoon. Mind made up, Ally turned away from her tribe and back over the grassy field. She picked a cluster of rocks at random and began to venture over to them. It wasn't a fast journey. Ally kept getting side tracked by interesting plants which she tucked into her pouches before she continued.