[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/8zIsOT6.jpg[/img] [h2]Sunday, 10:24 AM, streets of Shine City[/h2][/center] Rain. The condensation of air up in the clouds into water, which then falls from above down to the ground level. Tomoko was a girl who liked the rain. It was a soothing noise to listen to, it kept plants hydrated and lakes and rivers flowing, and it cleaned dirty streets, sidewalks, and more. For these reasons and more, it was her favorite form of weather. Even on sunny days, she would wear her distinct frog raincoat and rubber boots of choice just on the off-chance that it would suddenly start raining; no need for an umbrella. Today, she roamed the streets of Shine City with a smile on her face and a green hood pulled up over her head. The cartoony frog eyes protruding from the hood probably looked childish to some. Tomoko didn't care. She liked frogs. Her goal today was to simply enjoy the rain. The games she typically played on Sundays were experiencing server problems today, so she wouldn't be able to play those. Tomoko had considered the possibility of going to the arcade again. There were still leaderboards she had to reclaim, after all. As for this moment, Tomoko had a much more mundane goal. There was a lot of empty space in her stomach, and she didn't feel like making a "proper" breakfast today. She wanted something sweet. So, she set out this morning, intending to buy some snacks from the store, as well as some assorted odds and ends she needed. In her hands was a green thermos, filled with hot chocolate. It was as she continued down the street that she got caught up in thoughts about what she'd be doing right now were it not raining. Probably staying in her room playing games all day. From there, her mind got caught up in strategies, counterplays, item stats, combos, team compositions, and much more. For a strategic mastermind like Tomoko, the girl sure did tend to get lost in thought now and then. So lost, sometimes, that she would lose sight of what was directly in front of her. She walked face-first into someone, promptly snapping her back into reality. [color=gold]"Sorry,"[/color] Tomoko said, looking at the person. They were a good bit taller than her. She had to look up to look them in the face...this guy looked familiar. Someone she'd seen recently, right? Then she remembered. This was the man from the arcade yesterday. The one who mistook her for a new player and gave her some advice. In its own way, that was kind of funny. And now here he was again. Weird. [color=gold]"Oh, it's you. We meet again."[/color] [@Takashi]