Just lost my whole post. So A) I'm sorry about my absence, I was confined to a phone. Now I have somewhat regular access to a laptop. B) I will get to the rankings as soon as possible, as well as send messages to gauge interest in being in the next season. C) Your current points will be the global points, while points gathered per season will determine who is number one in that season. I plan on keeping an up to date sheet on current standings for my own records. D) As far as my posts go, I will get to them when I can. I apologize for that absence as well. Since they are practice bouts and storyline bouts I am not too fussed if they vanish, but I would like to continue them when I can. E) About the tournament that is supposed to take place this month, I will leave that up to whoever decides to host it as I will be unable to with my new living arrangement. I don't have access all the time to this computer so the amount of writing I would normally put into it won't be happening. Whoever hosts it will have all control over the theme and the rules. Fun Fact: Me and Lisa, my girlfriend, are basically live in house-sitters and babysitters now, its a shit gig, but weee wifi and netflix. xD Also, I can't use 1 & Q without an on-screen keyboard, nor the arrow keys. hahaha