[b]Character Name:[/b] Gurjan Wallon [b]Age:[/b] 28 years [b]Race:[/b] Isorlai [b]Homeworld:[/b] Merros, an inhospitable planetoid that nevertheless houses a small population of miners to extract the large local deposits of high-quality metal ores. Government control is rather tenous, and most in-system security is handled by the local branch of the company that finances the mining colony. Though the security force was rather lacking in resources and quite often prioritized smooth mining operation over civil service. [b]Appearance:[/b] At first glance, Gurjan is your typical Isorlai Specimen, thick fur, imposing six foot three physique, claws, teeth, etc... However, there is a certain hollowness to his posture that anyone even remotely familiar with Isorlai would recognize as unusual. He has quite an impressive collection of scars on his body, mostly consisting of bite marks and claw wounds. His hair is not all that curled or braided, save for the rather necesarry stripe pattern on the upper arms. Personal History: His parents both came to merros with the original wave of colonists. His youth was quite boring. The cramped hallways and living spaces of a mining quality are hardly good For an Isorlai growing up. To occupy his restless mind, he began hanging out with other similiarly bored youngsters. The feeling claustrophobia and entrapment on the colony only grew with the years, but moving away was not an option due to the draconic employment contracts that all the colonists had signed up for. This frustration soon evolved into deliquency and petty criminal behaviour. Vandalism and civil disobedience became a hobby, and tension with his family over this only pushed him deeper. He became involved with a more hardened criminal element in the colony's underground, first as a mere errand runner, but soon quite up to his neck in the whole business. It was all a rather dark phase of his life filled with violence. Rather predictably, the entire thing was ended by a stint with hunter's moon, an ill-adivsed illegal street fight, and waking up in a hospital. As other cases much like his own had boiled up all over the place, the local crime problems became rather hard to sweep under the rug. Combined with complaints about working conditions from the miners, the comapny was subjected to a federal investigation and found guilty of exploitative labor practices and similiar offences. All assets were seized and the facility was abandoned. The day he took the shuttle off-planet and saw the blight of his youth being bulldozed down felt like a weight of years falling off of his shoulders. Of course, there was still his crimes to answer for, and a family that had grown quite estranged from in the whole ordeal. As he was still quite young at this time, he was assigned to a youth correctional facility where he stayed a few more years before being declared a reformed young adult. He drifted about for some time, rather unsure what to do with his newfound freedom. Eventually, he found himself signing up to be a defcom figther pilot. Motivated by his memories of fighting... and how it had felt strangely comforting to him back then. Gurjan took quite well to army life, perhaps due to the control and clear purpose it brought. Boot camp was quite a learning experience. Whatever softness he had left was stamped out and replaced with discipline and tenacity. After quite a few years of training, Gurjan was assigned to the Heart of valour battle-carrier as a newly assigned pilot. [b]Personality:[/b] Gurjan is a contempletative and quiet person. He prefers to speak with little pleasantries or complicated words. He is generally respectful and good to get along with, but he has no qualms about speaking his mind when he strongly disagrees with something. [b]Gear and Equipment:[/b] Standard pilot suit M29 combat shotgun M8 Kenaz combat pistol M36 tactical knife [b]Fighter Customisations:[/b]