[b]Name:[/b] Gray Cièl [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Appearance:[/b] [img] https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-TON53YEmRjY/VPaH5nmLMmI/AAAAAAAAXRA/lMRXz93Kbvs/w800-h800/kristen_stewart_hd-normal.jpg[/img] [b]Personality:[/b] Most commonly motivated by a sense of urgency and money, commonly both: Gray is no stranger to striving for a sense of comfort, seeking a break from the franticness of life. She is an only child who seemed to still require optimum effort to gain the attention of her parents and as such found herself acting out in a variety of ways. She was raised on the south side of Chicago, in Canaryville she fended for herself through most of her adolescent leading into adult years and by the time Gray had turned 16 she was alone. While one may describe Gray as unpleasant, unhappy isn’t the right word to use on her. She is optimistic to a fault, always believing that every situation can be learned from and surprisingly forgiving. That being said, this is often not understood about Gray as her outer shell is that of a fast-talking crass Chicagoan thusly she is often considered exactly the opposite. [b]Backstory:[/b] [i]“Mrs. Cièl we’d like to take a minute to interview you, if that’s alright.”[/i] The familiar man said raising his mug to his chapped lips, sipping in the ebony concoction. “Yeah, let’s just get it over with.” [i]“What was your relationship with the deceased?”[/i] The man furrowed his brow. “Fuck you John.” [i]“Mrs. Cièl this is all being recorded, please this is just a formality.”[/i] “They’re my parents, and stop calling me that.” [i]“How would you describe your relationship with them?”[/i] Cracked dry fingers tangled themselves together in front of Gray on the desk. “I wouldn’t.” [i]“If you’re not going to cooper-”[/i] “Any relationship we had they ended when I was sixteen.” [i]“Very well.” [/i]Dot jots were scribbled onto a blank piece of doctor’s paper, Gray analyzed the man’s finger, a band that had been worn was removed, the lines from its imprint still red and swollen. [i]“What is your place of residence Mrs. Cièl?”[/i] “I’m around.” [i]“Are you homeless?”[/i] “I have a home, I just don’t go.” [i]“As you say Mrs. Cièl.”[/i] The man clicked his pen, in and out fumbling with its clip. “That it?” [i]“Not quite. What can you tell me about your primary occupation?” [/i] “You arresting me John?” [i]“Please. Cooperate.” The man said his frustration growing clearly stronger.[/i] “I’m a private eye, okay? I don’t do murders or any serious shit, I prefer to keep out of that sort of thing.” [i]“How did a girl with no parents get started as a ‘private eye’?[/i] “It started off as work for friends, I was always hanging out in low places, so it was easier for me to scoop the dirt out of their lives. Word of mouth passed me on until I started realizing I could charge a premium for this kind of thing.” [i]“On average how many customers do you have a month?” [/i] “Two, maybe three.” [i]“And how long have you been a ‘business’ for?[/i] “Only two years.” [i]“Just one last question.”[/i] “I just want to leave.” [i]“Gray. Where were you?”[/i] The man’s sharp blue eyes attempted to penetrate her own, see her thoughts. “Fuck you Johnny, I didn’t kill my parents.” [i]“Mrs. Ciel-“ [/i] “I’m sorry about your wife.” And she left the room, took a cab home, and fell asleep. [b]Talents:[/b] [i]Pros[/i] [b]Freelance:[/b] Has done freelance work as a private detective, mostly investigating an unstable relationship, collecting photo-evidence and whatnot. While she does have some detecting abilities -- her abilities do not translate to forensic supremacy by any means. [b]Self-Defense:[/b] She has some basic self-defense training as well as sometimes clients are less than satisfactory when they find out a partner has been cheating on them. [b]Charmer:[/b] Gray can have an intoxicating personality, often resorting to her charms in order to win a situation over in her favor. [i]Cons[/i] [b]Alcoholic:[/b] As the title unfortunately reads Gray consumes alcohol at an unhealthy pace and as such finds herself intoxicated more nights than not. While she is not a fully consumed alcoholic by any means, she does crave the nectar. [b]Unrefined:[/b] Never one to flutter on the more expensive side of life, Gray tends to be uncultured, unrefined and typically pretty crass. [b]Other:[/b] Bi af.