Nick was in the Arcade, he was grinding his teeth while he racked up points getting 7th on the Monkey Kong leader board, glancing up to see [b]Sakura Kuroiha's[/b] score in 1st place. He sighed to himself and as he took his mind off the colorful screen his mind retreated back into his feelings. He was able to put on a brave voice after the last broadcast but he was feeling pretty weak in his self esteem. Nick had ALWAYS been popular with the ladies but for some reason everytime he had genuine interest in someone he would always fall short. He contemplated maybe trying to move on but his mind was fixated....[color=00aeef][i]Nori....maybe I should find her and try and speak....[/i][/color] [hider=Bzzztt] [youtube][/youtube] [/hider] Nick's text tone buzzed loudly as he scrambled to check his phone...It was [b]Shizuka![/b] Asking if he could talk. Nick's hands were hurried with excitement as he texted back. He was happy just to hear from her after their date. [i][color=0072bc]Hey Shiz, yeah sounds good, whats up?[/color][/i] Nick put his phone away and promised himself not to check it every 5 seconds, he decided to take a walk around town, maybe in the direction of the enchanted florist...he wasn't committing to anything. But he wanted to give himself that option. He grabbed a packet of lemon flavored bubblegum and started to snap and pop as he left the Arcade. [color=0072bc][i]Goddamn it Weston, what are you doing now?[/i][/color] ************************************************************************************************ Rosanna was rolling, half asleep trying to avoid the glare of the sun, but it was in her face and she couldn't avoid it. After 3 or 4 more tosses and turns she decided to give up and just fully open her eyes. Her stomach knotted slightly when that realization that she wasn't staring at [i]her own ceiling[/i] kicked in. Rosanna groaned to herself and hurriedly tried to recall what she did last night. Then she turned over to see the naked man still sleeping on the other side of the bed.....[i][color=ec008c]Now I remember what I did....I did [b]Dangermouse[/b]....[/color][/i] Rosanna muttered to herself as she willed her body into sitting upright staring at the sleeping Naked DJ and trying to piece together whatever sex happened the night before. [color=ec008c][i]Goddamn it Cash, I hope you wore a condom, and where the hell is my bra?.....urgh...not again.[/i][/color] The DJ continued to snore, Rosanna knew he slept like a log, this was the 3rd time this year she had ended up in [b]Cash Dandrich's[/b] bed, and she mentally promised herself (again) that this would be the last time, especially cause the were coming into a new year. Rosanna weakly looked around for her clothes which seemed to be scattered around the place and decided to just give up and get a few more minuites rest before she decided to get up properly. She laid back down and snuggled next to Cash as he continued to snooze, hoping he might be up for a morning quickie when he awoke. For some reason when she closed her eyes an image [b]Shou Matsuoka[/b] suddenly popped in her head. She smiled to herself slowly.