Xander glanced up and down the rows. No one looked particularly special. Every year it was the same damn thing. He had to deliver another group of idiots to the school to be mindlessly brainwashed into thinking they were attending a school with cheerleaders and chemistry class. There was never one person who failed to see society didn't want freaks like them around and liked to coop them up somewhere they didn't have to deal with them and never was there a person other than him that figured out that it made no bloody sense for them, the stronger, faster, and more powerful human beings to be made the minority. He hated them all. He watched a girl get on the bus from the same slum he had to wait a long two hours at. He had to listen to the little shits shooting their lame guns at each other the whole entire time. She had a cute face despite her whole thug-get up. He gave her a smile when she greeted them cheerfully. For some reason, he couldn't quite get in her head and find out her name. His eyes fell on the dark haired girl with a floating iPod. He searched her mind for a name and Terraline finally surfaced. She laughed, "Yeah I know. It freaked me out too before." She gave a friendly wave to the girl in the thug get-up and started talking to some surfer-looking guy named Sage. The girl next to her seemed to be named Tia. "Ello, mate." Xander eyed Sage, "Hey. "He greeted. "Need something?" Before Sage could answer, the bus came to a screeching halt. "Well I guess we're here."Xander said, "Off we go." He gestured for them to follow and got off the bus. He watched as kids poured off it and other people took roles as tour guides. They were led inside to get what they needed and to be escorted to the cafeteria. Xander turned to look at Sage, Tia, Terry and thug-girl. "I'll lead you guys." he told them. "Follow me." ~~ As nice as Xander seemed, something about him creeped Terry out. She followed him nonetheless. Once inside, she went up to the main desk as she was instructed. "Name," said the chubby man working the desk. "Terraline Gray." "One moment please... Alright. Here is a schedule that was created based on your previous school records. Your dorm number is located at the top and everything you need will be provided for you in there. The school rules are on the back. I highly suggest you follow them. You will go to breakfast and have about a half hour to locate your dorm and check it out then you will go to your third period class." She was handed a piece of paper that was neatly stored in some sort of plastic. "Thank you but why was I kidnapped and dragged here? "Terry inquired. "The school I attended was perfectly-" "Next!" The man yelled, completely ignoring her. With a irritated sigh, Terry got off the line and waited for the others.