In asking about the un-named 'she', Rilana received the answers to what felt like every mystery behind the charr's leonine eyes. The Moon Fey noted the pain there and her brows knitted together in a sympathetic frown, an empathetic reaction that was more a part of her than her own arm. Listening intently, Rilana remained silent as Svarak described a world that was different from both the magical Frostfell that was familiar to her and the southern lands that had only just gotten its magic back. She barely even moved, her breath so shallow that it didn't even puff on the wind. Until Svarak drew the blade that was the colour of the inside of a glacier and laid it across her lap. She lifted her hands to avoid touching it, startled by the icy chill against her bare skin. She tried to fight back when Svarak's furry paw took her hand, not even knowing why she was suddenly filled with dread. Her bare palm touched the giant shard and Rilana gasped. Her mind hadn't been a solitary place for over ten years, but having this memory forced into her thoughts was a different thing entirely than sharing her soul with Kona. It was like the most vivid dream she had ever had, seeing things and knowing what they were because Svarak had known them and seen them and felt them. Trembling, she watched the entire scene unfold, her horror at hearing the fantastic story mixing with the terror Svarak had felt experiencing it first-hand. The Moon Fey's breath caught in her chest as she felt the young charr's pain as he jolted against the null stone. And then she knew how the world had become what it was. All the answers were there. And Rilana found that she had rather not known them at all! How could she have judged him so harshly, now that she knew what he had done, and what he was even now on his way to do? To slay the woman he loved so deeply because it meant the difference between life and death for everything? Nothing in the entirety of Rilana's existence compared to what Svarak had been through, so there was no memory even worth investigating through their brief connection other than the high, wild scream of a gryphon. Tears trickled cold and unchecked down Rilana's face and when the memory faded and she moved her hand it was only to hug her arms around herself, shivering with the cold and the grief that clutched around her heart on Svarak's behalf. She felt Kona's confusion and concern, for he had not been able to communicate with her while she touched the null shard. [color=00aeef]"I misjudged you, Svarak."[/color] It was a cruel twist of fate that as Rilana discovered all the reasons to fear the fearsome charr were unfounded and that there was someone she could care for under it all, she also learned that his heart belonged to someone else. The spark of whatever might have been between them blossomed and died instantly, and as the memories that weren't hers disappeared, she was left with the same feeling of unrequitedness, only now it was all her own to nurse deep inside. She felt small and insignificant, a single snowflake in a blizzard, her perception of the world entirely and permanently changed. She wanted nothing more than to throw her arms around Kona's neck and let his powerful wings carry her somewhere cold and silent. Wiping her face before the tears could freeze on her skin, Rilana stood up, looking neither fierce nor steadfast as she reached out to put a hand on Svarak's shoulder. [color=00aeef]"I will help you. Whatever...whatever I can do. I know how important it is. [i]will[/i] be okay."[/color]