[@JustYui] "Let's see... I know that electronics store is around here somewhere..." Yutaro muttered to himself as he walked along the sidewalks as far away from the splashy street as possible. GPS existed precisely for this scenario, and of course Yutaro's phone was equipped with it, but it was raining and water ruined phones. He didn't dare take any precious electronics out of his pockets which were shielded by the heavy raincoat, nor was his willing to risk letting the rain assault any part of his body in the attempt. No, he'd just do this one from memory; Shine Junction wasn't that difficult to navigate anyway. He was forced to tilt his umbrella back away from his head just enough so that his field of vision could see the names of the stores. "Now, if I remember correctly it should be... there!" Spotting the store, he quickened his pace to minimize the time he would have to spend in the rain, but was obstructed by a sudden impact. He looked down to see what he bumped into and found... a frog? Well, a girl wearing a frog raincoat. It was an odd choice of fashion, but the girl seemed to wear it with confidence, which made it actually look good on her. It took him a moment to recognize who he had run into due to the strange jacket she was wearing and the rain dampening his brain, but then a look of recognition dawned on his face. "Ah, Tomoko," he said, forcing himself to smile despite the rain once he realized that he knew this person. "I didn't see you all the way down there." He hoped that she didn't mind a "little" tease like that, after all, they still didn't know each other very well, but his tone was clearly playful, not mean. Besides, everyone who hung around Yutaro either learned how to roll with his punches, or fire back. He saw that she was holding a thermos, probably holding coffee or something warm like that, and days like this were good for warm drinks... but not outside! The rain always puddled up on the lid of whatever you were holding, and when you went to take a sip to get a tiny bit of relief, the first thing that hit your tongue was a swish of cold, salty, rain water. Pass. "So," he continued, doing his best not to let his disdain for the weather come across in his tone as he spoke to someone who had done nothing wrong other than be under the same rain as him. "What are you up to on the [i]lovely[/i] day?" The sarcasm in his voice couldn't be more evident, nor could he have hid it if he tried. He may as well have said, "Hey, I don't mind having a chat, but can we do it under an awning?"