[color=0072bc]3[/color] Tal chuckled. He readjusted his cap on his head and stood up. “[color=00a651]I have an airship that is in need of a small crew. Not looking for anything specifically at this point, but it might be worth your while to check it out. We hop around from city to city; you find something else that suits your fancy, there’s nothing binding you to the ship. If you’re interested, you can let owner know and he’ll pass it along to me. All right?[/color]” He stared at the young man for a moment before heading for the front. He carefully hefted the packed box of supplies and leaned against the door, pushing it open and sliding through. “[color=00a651]I’m heading out, Owen.[/color]” Owen gave him a wave on his way to the back room. “Take care, Tal! Get some sleep! You crazy kid…” Tal grinned faintly. “[color=00a651]Will do[/color].” He let the door close behind him. //--// It was a long walk back to where he had parked his airship; the supplies getting heavier by the minute. By the time he reached the base of the entry ladder on the side of the ship to rest, he was yawning widely and his shoulders were aching. He managed to flip open the protective cover for the intercom system and leaned his elbow against the call button. He waited a long moment, shifting the box’s weight from hip to hip, before the camera zoomed in on his face and the speaker crackled. “Sup, cap?” “[color=00a651]Open the side door and lower the ramp from the cargo bay, please. Before my arms fall off.[/color]” The man chuckled. “Will do. Half a moment.” The intercom shut off. Tal struggled to close the protective cover again. With a tired and slightly annoyed grunt, he smacked it with his elbow and was rewarded with a loud click as the cover snapped back into place. He readjusted the heavy supply box once again and then made his way to the back of the ship. As he rounded the corner, he saw the regular-sized door open and a ramp slid down for him. “[color=00a651]Thanks, Rei.[/color]” He walked up the relatively steep incline onto the ship. The silhouette of a tall, broad-shouldered man formed in the soft lights from the cargo hold, his face shadowed because of the low light. He retracted the ramp and shut the door. “Want me to take that? You looked wiped.” “[color=00a651]I am. And, please.[/color]” Tal handed off the box of supplies to the taller man. He followed him to the elevator and stepped inside, massaging his shoulders. “[color=00a651]I saw Owner at the shop.[/color]” “Mm… How he’s doing?” “[color=00a651]He’s doing pretty well. He’s got a new kid there. Looks like a good guy. I asked if he'd like to join up with us for a bit[/color]” Rei raised an eyebrow. “Oh? We in the hiring gig now?” Tal rubbed his face. And stepped out onto the main level. He made his way to the small kitchen and rummaged in the fridge. “[color=00a651]Not really. But neither is Owner. So, we might be getting a few new kids on board within the next few days.[/color]” Rei carried the box over to the low step-stool and set it down. He looked through the items and moved the perishable things to the fridge. “D’you know how many? We only got so much room on this rig.” Tal pulled out a bottle of flavored water. “[color=00a651]I am well aware of that, but they may not stay long. Probably just long enough until something better comes up. You can leave the rest for later. We had better turn in or we won’t be up for the meeting tomorrow.[/color]” “Roger that. I’ll do the last rounds and make sure we’re locked up for the night.” “[color=00a651]Night.[/color]”