[center][color=8dc73f][h2]Eiko Kurosawa[/h2][/color][/center] In the far distance Eiko could hear Christmas songs over the heavy winds, she had tied off part the cut sleeve that should've housed her right arm, she kept her left hand on the bleeding injury as she did her best to get as far as she could from the Fenrir compound, snow began sticking to Eiko's clothes and bare face, she wasn't dressed for the harsh weather, Eiko stomped her feet with each step she took, she was walking across a long plain and could see a city far away through the snow and wind, part of Eiko knew that she wasn't going to make it to the city, she knew that she was more than likely gonna freeze to death or die from blood loss. Eiko took a look back and made out a thin long trail of blood tracing back to the compound, fires started to happen at the compound and Eiko knew that she couldn't make it back, the way forwards was even longer than the way back but Eiko felt like she'd be finished soon, she took two more weak steps in the snow before she dropped to her knees she let go of her wound and put her bloodied hand in the cold snow." [color=8dc73f]I'm already numb.[/color]" She said to herself in a tone as cold as the weather. Eiko collapsed onto her hand before just falling into the snow she closed her eyes and just accepted her fate, she could feel herself slipping away and could feel her blood begin to pool up under her in the cold snow staining it. Suddenly she began to feel warm, suddenly feeling started to return to her right arm, she could feel her fingers and even wiggle them as well along with her thumb, she slowly opened her eyes and looked around to see that she in some kind of courtyard, she was rested against a tree. Eiko quickly assessed the situation she was in, her right arm was back again and she could even move it, she had on different clothes than her black cargo pants and black pull over hoodie, she was wearing what looked like a uniform or some kind of strange outfit, it reminded her of the time she was forced to go to a high school once, She looked around seeing what looked like a giant school or an academy. Eiko got to her feet and saw someone run up into the school like they were in a hurry, she noticed others were walking up into the school as well, but before Eiko could really get to the school or even act, the sky began to darken, and a somewhat annoying voice crackled to life on a hidden pa system that Eiko couldn't spot, the voice told them that there would be a storm after the wind began to pick up and the sky darkened. Before Eiko could do anything herself, she was grabbed by a teacher and huddled together with many other students, she was soon herded with the other students into a shelter along with the other students, Eiko pushed others that gotten too close to her as she was herded with the others into the shelter. But the Shelter just looked like a giant indoor basketball court, or some type of stage with bleachers, Eiko took her eyes off the various different things around her and her small nose was assaulted with the smell of spicy rice like the voice on the PA told them, Eiko didn't take the rice feeling this could be something similar to the Jonestown Koolaid. Eiko went to try to be on her own she didn't want to be crowded around the others that were in the small shelter.