[center][h1][color=green][b]Danny Green[/b][/color][/h1][/center] [hr] [hr] Leaving his plants to fight off the robot, Danny turned his concentration to the teachers to get them out of harm's way. It wasn't before long that Casper made his way over to Alex and himself to help move them over to the door. It was a bit of a struggle since neither of the boys, with the exception of Alex, were that strong. After sliding them over, he scratched his head to figure out what he could do to open the door. He turned back to see what the others were doing to stop that thing. Danny didn't know what had came over that boy Nathan, but he decided to distract it by making it target him. The red haired boy just about yelled in shock when the robot shot one of his lasers through his trees and blasted the boy dead on. To his surprise, he looked to be unphased with the exception of his clothes. What in the world could this boy do? If that had been anyone else they would have died. Or so he thought. Danny jumped from being startled as Professor Pierce and Everose stood to their feet both unharmed. Danny had to remember to close his mouth from shock after everything in the simulator returned to normal as if nothing had happened. It turns out it was just a test which was something he had a suspicion about from the beginning. Soon the headmaster came over the intercom who had been watching from the Control Room from above, and complimented them on their first training session. To be honest, they were just being a bit modest as they didn't know what they were doing for the most part. Half of them stood there frozen while the other half tried to fight but with little effort. Danny had sighed in relief at the whole situation, just wanting to get out and get some fresh air after the whole thing. The boy couldn't help but roll his eyes and chuckle when Alex mentioned something about getting uniforms and codenames. "And on that note, I'm out," he said laughing to himself. He walked to the locker rooms to change into some other clothes, not bothering to shower since he didn't do anything to warrant breaking a sweat. It wasn't something he liked to do anyway, but that was soon about to change being at this school. He grabbed his bag and walked out of the locker room, noticing a few of the students chasing after Nathan who seemed a bit embarrassed or overwhelmed by what had happened. "Poor thing," is all he could really say as he made his way to the main building. After dropping his things off in his room, he made his way down to the kitchen to fetch himself something to eat. Since there were not that many students at the facility yet, they could all share a gigantic kitchen with everything you could imagine. With Danny being vegan, he had a whole section of the pantry and refrigerator all to himself. He reached inside of the fridge and grabbed a Vegan chicken wrap and a bottle of water, making his way over to the breakfast nook that looked out into the garden. He grabbed the remote that had been sitting on the table and turned on the kitchen television. He sat and watched the news while eating his wrap, occasionally looking outdoors at the garden.