Hello everyone after seeing a couple of star roleplays coming and going about I've decided too see if I can threw my hand into the circle and see if anyone would like to test out some of these ideas. The story lines will be relatively the same with some major differences due to the different eras they are being placed in. All of them will be placed within their respective canons meaning canon characters and histories have happened though at the request of some people i may be willing to change things. However due to the arguments with what is and is not canon anymore I am stating that the canon of these stories will be of the [u]Legends Contiunity[/u] not Disney's new continuity meaning the stories will come from within the comics, movies, and shows represented before Star Wars Episode 7. Meaning Luke would form the Jedi Paraxum on Yavin after the events of the original trilogy and Darth Malak and Revan still had their big galactic war with the mandalorians. Those are just two examples of which out of many others. The answer to the question most of you will be asking: Can we play as sith/dark side/generally pure evil people. No not for the most part however in some of these roleplay ideas grey and morally ambiguous characters will be allowed. This is all due to the simple fact that we will be playing in either the republic, galactic alliance, or jedi orders or be independent contractors. If you chose to be a jedi bare in mind there will be restrictions on force powers and you will be asked to chose what sort of lightsaber style you specialize in with Vaapad excluded due to it's rarity. Also Juyo will be a major contest to get and you will need to get specials reasons for why you have learned a technique so few jedi have ever tried to master or were even allowed too try to. Another note for jedi you will be allowed to play as knights or padawans of any class but the master and grand master ranks are forbidden for the moment though you may achieve them during the roleplay. Now that big thing is out of the way I will now proceed to list my ideas please feel free to ask any questions on the matter. Also if you need links or questions about certain aspects of the jedi or the time period also feel free to ask about those. Idea 1: Old Republic Timeline - Era: After Mandalorian Wars but before Revan regained his identity. It has been a couple of years since the mandalorian wars had ended and the conflicts ceased between the republic and the mandalorians with the event of malachor v being the major turning point with the death of Mandalore The Ultimate. The years up until the end many jedi had come into contact with the enemies of the republic at the behest of the now assumed dead Darth Revan. However Revan had only recently revealed himself to the galaxy again and had constituted the war to reclaim the republic having been corrupted to the dark side by unknown means mostly assumed to be the mandalorian wars having brought him to the edge. He was joined by his friend Malak who also took the name of Darth. With the galaxy once again sprung into combat many jedi are now being forced to fight against sith forces on a regular basis. However much need is also needed to police the galaxy and aid the republic. Bastila Shan had led a strike force to kill Darth Revan which according to all reports succeeded leaving Malak the leader of the new Sith Empire. The Jedi Civil War is on though most battles have been scattered there are still dog fights and ground assaults led by republic and sith forces alike. It is in this conflict that the republic has asked the jedi council to help them form a group to hunt down an ancient relic of the jedi lost during the Great Hyperspace War in hopes of the device allowing them to learn possible secrets from older masters long thought dead and even the chance of a way to end the war quicker. Or at least that was the given answer. The Republic is preparing a strike team of their own to aid the jedi whom have chosen their own members to help the group. The galaxy's fate may be rested on their shoulders. Idea 2: Pre-Clone Wars - Era: After Stark Hyperspace War before Naboo Crisis. The years after the Stark Hyperspace War had been ones of peace for the entire galaxy for jedi and sith alike have long since ceased conflict with the sith assumed practically dead. Having lived in peace for many years the economy of many worlds have prospered and things like the techno union and trade federations have risen to power within the years after the Treaty of Coruscant. To say things have gone well for the jedi is an understatement as despite the loses of notable masters during the previous war they have grown in numbers with jedi such as Mace Windu joining the council and Master Yoda becoming grand master of the jedi order. The Jedi have prepared themselves quite well for possible threats since the end of the Stark Hyperspace War and have taken up the job as custodians of sorts of the republic space and have been cleaning up various problems. However word has reached the jedi of possible threats in the outer rim and near the unknown regions. Master Yoda feels a disturbance in the force. In response Yoda has decided to send a group of jedi to find the source of disturbance though the sith have gone instinct there are still remnants of their taint and monsterous power still left through the galaxy. The republic has even agreed to send some of their agents to help the jedi in this affair at the behest of the senate for reasons of possible threat to the republic's safety. Idea 3: Legends - After The New Republic Era, After the Death of Master Skywalker (Two generations later), and most canon characters (Han, Leia, etc) but before the raise of Darth Krayt and the one sith. The Sith and Jedi have been clashing a long time and only now are the jedi starting to recover. After the threats from the reborn empire and the yuuzhan vong among other internal clashes such as Darth Caedus's fall the Jedi Order now stands in front of a rather badly broken Galactic Alliance in need of their aid more now than anytime before. With the Fel Empire in control of some of galactic space and the galaxy still recovering from the Yuuzhan Vong's invasion the jedi Paraxum located on Ossus and Coruscant now have decided to focus on retrieving lost knowledge and recruiting more members from across the galaxy. Though their efforts are hindered due to the formation of the Fel Empire's Imperial Knights many still cling to the deceased jedi master skywalker's ways. The jedi now serve as psuedo soldiers of sorts fighting off various dark entities and the new grand master Jedi Master Andras Skywalker, great grandson of Luke of the age of 45 years old, now seeks his jedi too pacify systems in turmoil and to terminate the surge of new dark forces from long ago reappearing. We play as the members of an elite strike team Scythe Squadron in their attempts to assist the Galactic Alliance in their attempts to do this. Note that there won't be an overlaying plot though one will be developing if this roleplay gets further in as a dark jedi master awaits Scythe Squadron in the depths of the Outer Rim plotting and scheming.