[center][IMG]http://i66.tinypic.com/1t36g8.gif[/IMG][/center] [i][color=6ecff6]"Those moments suck, don't they...?"[/color][/i] Casper rose his eyebrow a bit as Nathan spoke. This was the point where he asked himself what exactly he had been doing all this time. He wasn't needed here, the other two girls could take care of Nathan. The guy didn't need Casper there as well to add to the crowd. [color=6ecff6][i]"Wonder if I should piss off...I mean, I'm sure these two are better at cheering someone up than I am..."[/i][/color] Casper quite clearly recognised Hokus Pokus but who was that other girl? She was new, wasn't she? Well, it was either that or she belonged to some other team. Casper's group was after all not the only people at the school. It was rather heartwarming to see complete strangers trying to care for each other like this, it really was, but Casper had never been in a situation where his emotional help was needed, or indeed even desired. He had been a loner throughout life not because he was afraid of people or because he didn't know how to talk with them, but because he didn't [i]like[/i] them. It was probably only a matter of time before Casper would feel the sting of bad treatment at this school as well, no place was special in that sense. Nathan would probably be at the end of it as well, his social anxiety paving the way for an array of bullies wanting to pound him into the ground to feel better about themselves. [color=6ecff6][i]"Hope that doesn't happen but...I guess it's the way of life...right? The weak get picked on all the time, you just have to stand up for yourself and fuck up whoever messes with you...Nathan's probably had a lot of issues, still does...don't know if it's a good idea to train him into a soldier for any cause, really. I mean, the guy's messed up..."[/i][/color] Having come to the conclusion that Nathan was indeed alright, or well, as close to it as would have been expected, Casper simply turned around without uttering a single word and started walking away. He honestly didn't want to trust these people more than he had to, but he knew that he would have to keep his stubbornness at the door for this one. They were going to live together for quite a while, weren't they? [i][color=6ecff6]"It's funny, isn't it...?"[/color][/i] Looking up at the clear blue sky as he walked, Casper couldn't help but chuckle softly for himself and shook his head slightly. [i][color=6ecff6]"Even my fighting style keeps me away from people...I get that not everyone's an asshole but it's really hard to sort out the diamonds from a pile of shit..."[/color][/i] A few moments passed before Casper finally ended up at his dorm and unlocked the door before dropping the bag of gym clothes next to his bed. Laying down, the boy rested his head against the pillow and breathed out, listening to his music as he allowed his mind to rest for a moment. This place was going to be full of surprises and interesting people. It was all about sorting out the good from the bad, wasn't? Placing his hand on his stomach, Casper finally remembered how hungry he actually was. He had skipped breakfast and just headed straight for the Danger Room as soon as he woke from that awful dream of his. Placing his feet on the floor, the boy left his room without any baggage to carry, finally. If he remembered correctly, the kitchen was this way. Upon stepping into the dining area, he saw Flower Power eating a wrap. Apparently he wasn't the only one who had skipped out on breakfast. Opening the refrigerator, Casper reached inside to grab himself a soda and a sandwich before he dropped down on on a chair next to Danny. He didn't say anything to the other boy, but rather expected him go on about how you shouldn't drink soda with your breakfast and that judgemental stare at Casper eating ham was just moments away, wasn't it? [color=6ecff6][i]"C'mon Cassy...if you want to make any friends here, maybe you shouldn't think of everyone as a nuisance, huh? Ugh...why would I want friends, anyway? They'll just end up disappointing you...I'll fight alongside them with whatever crew of misfits we are, but I'm not gonna' delude myself into thinking that any of them actually give a fuck."[/i][/color] Casper was at a constant struggle with himself. He did in fact like people more than he let on, more than he [i]wanted[/i] to. It was easy to say that you didn't give a shit but [i]actually[/i] not giving a shit was a bit harder. He whole heartedly didn't expect any kind of loyalty or true friendship from anyone else, however. His expectations for people tended to be way too high and because of that, it had looped all the way back to not expecting anything from anyone. [color=6ecff6]"Hi..."[/color] Finally speaking, Casper avoided looking at the other boy but rather had his eyes on his soda the whole time. [color=6ecff6][i]"There ya' go...you managed to actually be a decent person. You said hi..."[/i][/color]