Akio arrived in the shelter, quickly loosing his one person audience as he easily weaved between students and teachers alike. The sounds of the piano that frequented the halls were still fading but fresh in His mind. His destination was a set of bleachers that were realatively deserted which could leave him space to relax. Quickly Akio acended the steps until he found a nice perch from atop to view the massive crowd that was forming. The noise was getting quite loud with the chatter of friends and groups blathering on about the storm. Carefully he removed his violin and now and prepared to play yet another song, the same one he had heard on his way to the shelter. Looking over the crowd he began to play, imagining that they had come to hear him preform. He stood at the top of the mostly deserted bleachers with his eyes closed as the notes rose from his violin, swaying gently. Ever so slowly the din began to lessen as the majority of the students began to listen to the song. By the time the last note left it, it had become almost deathly silent. Opening his eyes Akio felt his face redden as he found the many eyes of the student npcs upon him. He wasn't quite sure what to do so he merely sat down after a slight bow and began to replace his violin within its case.