Neme smiled at the question of the leader of the squad, he'd have to explain that a bit later, because now she saw some of the invalids from the area coming towards them. She seemed a good tactician, able to make a tactic even in the thick of things, he would need to watch her in case she wished to assault any person who might know who he was, in their last breath they might tell some valuable information, for him or for her, and that could be disastrous. He was thrown on the ground and he groaned, and looked up to see the woman kick an invalid. Alright, be careful, don’t get attacked by any invalids, at least not visibly, and don’t fight them off to hard, that all could lead to him being discovered. He scrambled away from the fight, and when it was done, he sat up, breathing heavily. “Thanks. I think this also answers your question, commander, I follow you because it will grant me safety and most likely some food that I can scavenge from somewhere.” He looked away from the group and smiled, this was going according to plan, maybe he could even find something decent to eat. He’d have to watch it though, people didn’t like it when it was revealed that the frail old man had been taking advantage from them. He wiped the smile of his face, and in a relieved tone he said. “My name is Jorian, nice to meet you.”