[center][b][color=ed1c24]Storm Guardian[/color][/b][/center] [hider=Reina Saotome] [b][u]Basic Data[/u][/b][indent][b]Name:[/b] Reina Saotome [b]Aliases:[/b] Rei [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Present][img]http://i.imgur.com/jkd5bhz.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=TYL][img]http://i.imgur.com/GiFBL4E.jpg[/img][/hider][/indent] [b][u]Combat Data[/u][/b][indent][b]Faction:[/b] Vongola [b]Position:[/b] Storm Guardian Candidate [b]Flame:[/b] Storm [b]Equipment:[/b] [list][*]Wooden pole (Upgrade to warhammer) [*]Silver Harmonica [/list] [b]Fighting Style:[/b] Rei does not have a specific fighting style so far, settling with generic hand to hand combat and utilizing whatever weapon-like material she can find around the area. [b]Techniques:[/b] Will be added as she learns a fighting style [b]Special Characteristics:[/b] [list][*]Mental Resistance - The ability to resist pain at a certain degree compared to that of an average person. Rather than being able to resist wounds or bruises, the physical aspects, it has more to do with the actual feeling of pain, the mental aspect. [*]High Strength - Having greater strength to that of an ordinary human, gained through rigorous training. Being able to carry heavier objects, break tougher objects, place more force onto objects, even able to open stubborn jars.[/list][/indent] [b][u]Personal Data[/u][/b][indent][b]Background:[/b] As a young child, Rei's father ran away from his wife and only child due to heavy debt issues and never to be seen again, presumably committed suicide or got caught and killed by someone hired by the indebted company. But even then, the responsibility of paying the debt was given to the mother who sought for the easiest solution, leeching a rich man as a lover and left the poor young girl in the hands of her grandmother who was currently residing in Namimori. The grandmother was strict but she took care of her dearly and taught her all she needed to know (the housewife skills). Rei appreciated her a lot but she still kept the abandoned child complex whenever people talked about parents. While she seems to not be affected by it openly, the girl prefers not to remember. During her middle school, due to her abandoned child complex she carried, Rei became a delinquent girl, skipping classes and talking back to teachers who she knew were actually in the wrong. She would beat up other delinquents who she saw were bullying weaker people, serving her own sense of justice (that she learned from her strict and disciplined granny). Hearing rumors of a lone wolf delinquent girl fighting ill mannered delinquents, a leader of the local all girls gang approached Rei, being impressed by her strength and sense of justice. After an exchange of blows to see her potential, Rei was recruited into the group. Seeing that she had a potential to even be stronger, the leader gave her a training routine for the girl to do everyday: 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats and 10km running. The training was harsh even for the girl who was abnormally strong for her gender. But the results of the training was worth the pain, Rei's strength and stamina rise significantly from before the training. With how well she was doing, the leader had eventually appointed her as her ace, her right hand. It was the best time of her life, having a group she can call family, people who looked out for one another and people who shared her belief in justice. The other local gangs had started to take notice of the strength the gang group had and decided to outmatch them in numbers. No matter how strong the leader and Rei were, their gang was defeated terribly. Its members were at least able to keep their lives despite their injuries but the leader was in a condition where she was unable to take the lead of the gang anymore. Being the right hand, Rei was given the responsibility to become the next leader in line but due to fear of the well being of the gang members, she disbanded the group despite the endless protests from the girls. Currently at high school, Rei continues to act alone in serving justice while trying to not involve other people who she cares for. [b]Personality:[/b] Intimidating and foul mouthed would be the first impression from people at a glance but really it was how she acted towards people who were ill mannered. (e.g. bullies, unreasonable teachers) Despite her appearance, friends and people she cared for always came first, putting them before herself with actual concern. Rei is a passionate, stereotypical "[i]ore[/i]" tomboy from speech to manners and preference in wardrobe. But there was a side to her which was usually hidden from the eyes of people: her feminine side. Despite being a tomboy by appearance, she was very much feminine in preference such as cute animals, romance manga, and beautiful flowers. Due to her granny's teachings, she gained skills of a perfect housewife from cooking to cleaning the house, baking, sewing, knitting, and hand crafting things. This was a side only her granny and her best friend, Yoshiaki knew. [b]Relationships:[/b] [list][*]Yoshiaki Sugihara - [i]Rei's best friend.[/i] First met during their middle school years at detentions after school where Rei takes the first step to be aquatinted to him. At a later point in time, Rei was caught up in one of her struggles against delinquents from other gangs, to be assisted by Yoshiaki whom she greatly appreciated for the help he gave. Not too long after, while visiting the arcade she frequents, she finds the boy and challenges him to rounds after rounds of a particular fighting game. That was the starting point of their friendship where they started to care and be concerned for one another as true friends. [*]Hisaki Kawaguchi - [i]Rei's friend with a friendly rivalry.[/i] It all started with a misunderstanding from Rei. As having witnessed him brutally beating a couple of delinquents and mistaking him as the bully preying on the weak, she jumps into action and fights against him. They were well matched in terms of skill and finally ceased fighting when Hisaki manages to break it to her that the delinquents were the ones with the ill intention. Despite being guilty about starting the meaningless fight, Rei starts to respect him for his strength. [*]Sanji Fugimoto - [i]Rei's friend with a [s]babysitter[/s] sibling relationship.[/i] In Sanji's efforts to befriend various people, he stumbled upon Rei. At the beginning, she would avoid him at all costs and tell him to stop hanging around her, in fear of dragging him into danger with the kind of person she was. Eventually with how persistent he was, and with the Vongola guardian candidate reveal, Rei finally gives in and decides to look after Sanji as if he were a younger brother.[/list][/indent] [b][u]Miscellaneous Data[/u][/b][indent][b]Nationality:[/b] Japanese [b]Birthdate:[/b] April 10 [b]Blood Type:[/b] O [b]Height:[/b] 5'6 [b]Weight:[/b] 50kg [b]Likes:[/b] Friends getting along, cute, adorable things, romantic novels/manga, video games [b]Dislikes:[/b] Being betrayed, bullies preying on the weak, being asked about parents, being made fun of for her hidden feminine side [b]Hobbies:[/b] Playing the harmonica (though she sucks at it), knitting, sewing, baking, watching soap opera/drama, reading romance novels, playing video games, feeding street animals [b]Talents:[/b] Being able to perform housewife chores and skills in superb quality [b]Family:[/b] Unnamed grandmother [b]Character Theme:[/b] [url=https://youtu.be/nAWkrHQEpNM]Rei's theme[/url] [b]Other:[/b][list] [*][s]Rei actually uses a bandage to hide the size of her chest, she wasn't born flat.[/s][/list][/indent] [/hider]