They had caught up quickly with Nathan, mostly becasue he had stopped next to the fountain in the courtyard. Also, the two of them had been joined by another girl. She studied the girl when she came over, nodding at what she said. Yeah, there was something upsetting Nathan, and Ali she was rather sure she knew what had triggered it. It was sort of obvious, she guessed. What the teachers had done, making them believe all that had really happened and having them scramble to fight for their lives and not really accomplishing anything, because they hadn't even gotten around to introducing themselves to each other properly, didn't know the others strengths and weaknesses, that had managed to get even Ali angry. And Alison was seldomly ever really angry. Alison let him finish talking, then noticed movement beside her. She glanced at Casper as he left, without a word and frowned a little at his back. She guessed he was leaving it to them to handle this, although the fact that he had been willing in the first place that he did care. And that was a good start, considering they were supposed to be a team from now on. A team. Alison had never been part of a team like that. She was nice to people, she ahd a lot of friends and a few very good ones. But this? This was going to be a wholly different business. They had to trust each other with their lives, eventually, had to work together and have each others back. Right now, that all seemedso far away and like it would take some serious hard work. But she had the feeling that they wouldn't be giving up easily. She turned back to Nathan and smiled at him, noticing his eyes were averted but figuring he was just socially awkward like that. [color=Teal]"We did."[/color] she affirmed what he had said about them as a team. [color=Teal]"I mean, we were all totally overwhelmed and half of us in serious shock, but considering the fact that we only just met, we did a pretty good job taking care of each other."[/color] She waited patiently for him to look up, even if it only was a glance. She wanted him to see the warmth in her face, needed him to know she didn't mind if he was a little awkward. [color=Teal]"Although you almost gave me a heart attack jumping out to let yourself get hit like that. Really could have used some warning that you would actually survived that."[/color] she added, not really sounding scoulding, just concerned. [color=Teal]"Is that you power? Absorbing.. energy?"[/color] she asked, figuring he might get more comfortable if they didn't immediately start questioning about why he had freaked out enough that he had stormed out of the building.