WIP [hider=Varyn Zall] [b]Name[/b] – Varyn Zall [b]Species[/b] – Weequay [b]Gender[/b] – Male [b]Age[/b] - 29 [b]Occupation[/b] – Former CIS mercenary. [b]Appearance[/b] – Varyn has an imposing physique, standing above average human height and a broad muscular body makes him stand out amongst most crowds. His features have the effect of making him seem like the ‘stupid brute’ and he has the tendency to wear a smug smile more often than not, something that isn’t typical for his species. [img]http://www.yigitkoroglu.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/Weequay-Elite.jpg[/img] [b]Apparel[/b] – Varyn nigh always wears a suit of armour plates on padded clothing, giving him the usual ‘mercenary’ look. His particular set is mostly brown, save for some scratches on the plating and the dark leather of the belts the harness he uses to carry extra reloads and other items. [b]Weapons[/b] – An E-11 blaster rifle with sling, underslung scattergun and a bayonet option. A DL-44 heavy blaster pistol, with almost standard issue scope removed for faster drawspeed. A vibroknife and lastly steel knuckles. [b]Equipment[/b] – A commlink, set of tools that are used for maintaining weapons and a set of chance cubes. [b]Skills[/b] -Weapon modificatition enthusiast. -His posing as a mercenary actually made him pretty decent in discharging a weapon, quickdrawing, and his personal favourite; throatslitting. [b]Flaws[/b] - [b]Personality[/b] – As already hinted at above Varyn is a thrill seeker, he enjoys putting himself in danger and has thus far successfully made it out of most encounters. Though he spends his time ‘undercover’ he hardly needs to act for it. He is a mercenary, and he is an intelligence agent, both bring him joy and tension making for a relatively upbeat attitude. [b]Goals[/b] – acquiring a position that grants him access to information that might interest the Empire. -Staying entertained. [b]Backstory[/b] – Varyn Zall was born on Rattatak and brought up that harsh society. At a young age he was introduced into a mercenary company that specialized in ship boarding combat and was trained in the fashion, not long after the Clone Wars broke out he and the mercenary group he was with were employed by the CIS for herassing Republic transport lines. During the battle of Coruscant Varyn got stranded on the planet that gave the battle it's name, forced to flee deep into the planets underworld. [/hider]