Alex had stayed behind as the others milled out. It was a lot to absorb at the moment as he tucked his twin tomahawks into his pants, having torn the carpenters loop, that was no illusion. He wasent sure about everything but he was certain of a few things. [color=aba000]"Can you show me more?"[/color] It was just a moment, but it was a good moment. He hadn't been so sure about taking charge, when he said he was like captain america, he had meant speed and strength, not a leader. But when Casper prodded him to act, he took the reigns. He had been trained to survive, to be self sufficient. The mutant powers are tools, skills to be developed. Even his mutant strength and speed were not there yet. He remembered the day his powers first manifested, the fear in the boy's eyes, the cruelty and lust on the others, his rage at the injustice. The rush of wind, the crack of thunder, the falling glass, the warm blood. [b]He[/b] had broken the sound barrier, [b]he[/b] had run over a mile a second, for less than a second. [b]He[/b] saved a life. [color=aba000]"I'm not sure if I should ask to be leader right off the bat, one test in. Maybe others are better at this than me. But, I've seen what happens when people wait for others to act, people suffer. Everyone asks 'Why didn't I do something.' Its because of the panic, the urges to do everything and in the end do nothing. Even if I'm not the leader, if some telepath is better or you already got some teacher in mind, I'd like to learn more so maybe I can be the strategist for whoever you pick."[/color] Mr. Pierce just smiled and gave out a rough chuckle. [color=tan]"The best leaders are the ones who don't want to lead. Danger. Unlock level one through three 'Storm tutor program' for Alexandew Xavier."[/color] Alex winced at his full name, but the wince became wide-eyed as the female leader of the mutants stepped out of the wall. She was wearing the classical training uniform of danger room sessions. This was going to be interesting.