[quote=@GoddessSophia] I decided to make another character :) here is my go at a Warren member. Maybe a prefect if she gets accepted? :) [hider=Isobel Crawford][color=gray][center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Isobel%20Crawford&name=GesseleRegular.ttf&size=100&style_color=034854[/img] [img]http://38.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_md0u47ycAe1qmhsmu.gif[/img][/center] [color=DarkCyan]Name:[/color] [indent]Isobel Amelia Aphrodite Crawford[/indent] [color=DarkCyan]Gender:[/color] [indent]Female[/indent] [color=DarkCyan]Age:[/color] [indent]18 Years Old[/indent] [color=DarkCyan]Year:[/color] [indent]7th Year[/indent] [color=DarkCyan]Blood:[/color] [indent]Pure-Blood[/indent] [color=DarkCyan]House:[/color] [indent]Warren[/indent] [color=DarkCyan]Pet:[/color] [indent] [img]http://www.ascofaz.org/images/Australian-Shepherd.jpg[/img] Isobel has an Australian Shepherd named Felix. She got him on her 13th Birthday, after getting Outstanding in most of her classes. It was her reward. She adores her Aussie Friend. Felix is a friendly, happy and playful young boy. Mostly friendly with any animals...but he doesn't like rodents much.[/indent] [hr][Center][img]http://38.media.tumblr.com/c794756ca7d570166d783b214096bc59/tumblr_miecgzYc3N1s5a2pgo4_500.gif[/img][/Center][hr] [color=DarkCyan]Electives:[/color] [indent]Alchemy Study of Ancient Runes Care of Magical Creatures[/indent] [color=DarkCyan]Clubs:[/color] [indent]Potions Club Magical Creatures Club Dueling Club[/indent] [color=DarkCyan]Boggart:[/color] [indent]Her old self-dying a slow and painful death.[/indent] [color=DarkCyan]Patronus:[/color] [indent]A Pheonix[/indent] [color=DarkCyan]Amortentia:[/color] [indent]The scent of old books, fire wood burning and herbal tea~ especially Mint or Chamomile.[/indent] [color=DarkCyan]Wand:[/color] [indent]Pine, Phoenix feather 12inches. Temperamental at times, but potent magic.[/indent] [hr][Center][img]https://45.media.tumblr.com/98687ba3dc674cc14783e67b92365d6c/tumblr_n6lmaot8ET1s4hjb0o1_500.gif[/img][/Center][hr] [color=DarkCyan]Best Classes:[/color] [indent]Potions, Defense Against the Dark Arts and Care of Magical Creatures[/indent] [color=DarkCyan]Worst Classes:[/color] [indent]Astronomy, Herbology and Muggle Studies[/indent] [hr][Center][img]http://data.whicdn.com/images/53314602/large.gif[/img][/Center][hr] [color=DarkCyan]Personality:[/color] [indent]Being a pure-blood, Isobel is typically of her blood-status and her family's heritage. A smart young woman, striving for perfection in order to carry on her family's name; so there's some pressure for her to do well like her ancestors and siblings that went to Salem before her. Isobel can be stubborn and fail to see the silver-linings of situations, seeing things black and white...or as they should be. Sometimes reason is at a loss, preferring to go with Logical explanation, even if there might not always be one. She's popular and a Queen Bee in Salem-sometimes known to be bitchy and often preferring Pure-Blood and Half-Bloods, not really hanging out with the muggle-borns. Her family had always believed, that mud-bloods have no order in their society and that seems to be ingrained in her mind and beliefs. [/indent] [Indent][Indent] She can sometimes be bit withdrawn, silent and almost enigmatic. No one really knows what she is thinking, as she has never opened herself up to many people. Inside, she feels insecure, a bit lost and sometimes hates the pressure and her family's beliefs about the structure of the society she lives in. Whilst she wants to be more friendly and caring, she's afraid to as she's scared of loss. She finds that animals are much easier to be friendly and kind to than people-People and fellow students are quick to Judge her, based on her status and family.[/Indent][/Indent] [color=DarkCyan]Likes:[/color] [indent]Magical creatures-big or small Nature Reading History Ice Tea Flirting Adventure[/indent] [color=DarkCyan]Dislikes:[/color] [indent]People who are quick to Judge her Something happening to her dog Bugs and Spiders Bad Weather Punk Music People that annoy her[/indent] [color=DarkCyan]Fears:[/color] [indent]Death, growing old. Her dog dying and losing her one and only loyal companion[/indent] [color=DarkCyan]Biography:[/color] [indent]Isobel Crawford, is one of the family members of the large and still expanding Crawford family, she had grown up surrounded by magic and wizards all of her life. She remembers being facilitated by it from a young age. It almost felt like a movie to her, but slowly she learned it was a reality. The Crawford's have been in the magical world since the 17th century~many generations of this well known and popular family have been going to Salem Institute. Everyone before Isobel had been sorted into Warren house-and there was pressure on Isobel if she did not get into the desired house. Coming from a very pride-ful and pureblood family. Isobel is proud of her family, but sometimes she despises their thinking about social structure. She doesn't know, why muggle-borns shouldn't belong in their society but often finds herself lashing against them too...against her own dislike. Going to Salem-Isobel has made a name for herself. Some people want to be like her, some want to be her friend...whilst some want nothing to do with her. Everyone has their opinion and Isobel has hers. Being opinionated or Bitchy, has made her who she is and due to her status, it's been easy to climb to the top of the chain. But deep inside, she wants to change-but doesn't really want people to see past her poker face so easily. In a way...she's indecisive when it comes to certain aspects of her school life. Salem always felt like home to Isobel-having chance to be around people like her. Being smart and ambitions in her studies. Isobel mostly excels in most of her classes. It's her last year, and she wants to make the best of it...and maybe improve things with a few people and let some see a new side to her, if she tries to widen her mind and not look at everything from a 'black and white' perspective. It's not easy to change...especially with the family reputation the Crawford's have.[/indent][/color] [hr][Center][img]http://cdn2.thegloss.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Blake-Lively-Hair-8-GIF.gif[/img][/Center][hr][/hider] [/quote] So, there's just a tiny problem I have and it's more of a technicality than anything else. In the biography, there is a lot of punctuation problems. Misplaces commas, unneeded dashes, and unnecessary capitalization. So can you fix that up, please