Vor Shinse rubbed the sleep from her eyes. Ever since she'd returned from Old Man's Corner she'd been endlessly hounded. Apparently she hadn't thought her plan through too well on how to evenly distribute caps amongst the slaves. The slaves that survived, anyway. The whole thing had quickly devolved into a bloodbath with slaves and slavers alike killing off anyone who had slighted them in the past or whom they perceived to be a threat. Personally, she wasn't mourning the dead slavers and it wasn't like the Brotherhood had given her a dressing down, they were to focused on taking the fight to the Enclave, but she wished she'd considered her options long enough to save a few more slaves. She'd been so focused of how to deal with the slavers that she'd caused innocent slaves to get caught in the crossfire. She'd ended up giving up on dividing the loot and caps evenly. She eventually pocketed a few thousand caps and gave the rest of the loot and caps to the surviving slaves. Somehow she'd ended up with a Power Armor frame at the end of it all, but she still considered it more of a hindrance than a help if she ran out of fusion cores. Making her way to the dining area of Sky Citadel, Vor Shinse sat down to eat for the fourth time that day, cursing her metabolism yet grateful for the food. At that point it was the only thing giving her the energy to stay awake. [@Letter Bee][@Simple Unicycle]