While the Little Dragon was fighting off the ‘dumb’ walkers, the Goldenspur was still busy with the two proper NC’s. Fubuki and Red-Oni resumed their offensive, the Red-Oni preparing its napalm while firing off its’ last missiles, and the Fubuki closing in, while maneuvering three-dimensionally to try and confuse the Goldenspur’s pilot. Jan was more amused than anything at Fubuki’s cheap attempt at evasion. Evidently, these two didn’t know what usually happened once people were ‘on the ropes’ like this. With a hum, Goldenspur’s lance began pre-heating. Jan had a plan to get rid of the missiles behind him and the NC in front of him in one go. He revved up to full throttle and leveled his lance to torso-height. Experience had taught him it was the spot to hit to disable an NC wholesale. The autoguns remained retracted. He needed every volt of power he could for the thrusters and the lance. The Red-Oni seemed to realize what the Goldenspur was doing and, flamethrower at the ready, quickly began shooting a stream of liquefied hate. The arc of flaming liquid was sprayed everywhere, and on impact with the Goldenspur his boosters began severely overheating, and his outermost layers of back-armor started being melted off. The Red-Oni’s last missiles were right behind him, which wasn’t helping. Warnings blinked on Jan’s interface, damage assessments looked only slightly worrisome. This wouldn’t be the first time he made a charge in less than ideal conditions. He redirected lateral engine power to the cooling systems. His maneuverability would suffer quite a bit… but it was better than his engines just burning out wholesale. He got closer and closer to his target, fubuki, still dancing around like an annoying mosquito. “Sorry to say this, but this is gonna be checkmate for you.” He took a deep breath, like a sniper preparing a shot. Fubuki revved her engines to full throttle and jinked to her right, trying to get out of the way of the plasma ‘shot’. She was just a bit too late, the massive stream of searing gas ignited a fuel tank and the ammo stores of her weapons, blowing off both of her arms and one of her NC’s legs. The NC flew backwards, attempted to ‘land’ on the remaining leg, but broke it at the knee due to the force and fell face-first into the ground, making an impact crater. The Red-Oni’s missiles were attracted to the blast, and detonated prematurely due to the pre-existing heat before impact. The pilot of Fubuki was very, very likely just as dead as her NC’s corpse. Not their problem, in any case. Prisoners were always traditionally the contract giver’s issue. The Red-Oni managed to catch up with the Goldenspur and grabbed it with its’ two front legs, trapping its legs with the other two. The two NC’s fell to the ground with the Red-Oni hitting the Goldenspur in the back of the head with the NC’s Napalm gun, and pulled out his plasma blade, ready to commit to an execution. “Disgusting.. There was no honor in that.” Red-Oni muttered, with sincerity. “Even she deserved better!” “Heh… angry because you didn't listen to my warning about friendly fire?” Jan quipped back. His bravado in the face of the plasma blade hid worry though. With armor weakened as it was, it was unlikely that plasma blade was simply gonna bounce off. His finger hovered above the release for the smoke capsules, but that wouldn’t be enough on its own… {“Little Dragon, I am pinned and in need of immediate assistance, over.”} He sent out over the closed channel. {[color=0076a3]“Request confirmed. However, I thought they were free points?”[/color]} Stein quipped over the communications channel.