Collaboration between [@Bozo] and [@Narcotic Dollie] The bell on the door chimed as someone entered the shop. "Mrs. Haywood? Are you here?" called out a voice in an easy baritone. "G'morning, welcome to the Enchanted Florist," Nori answered back, setting down the bouquet of daphne flowers she had been working on and turning to greet the customer. A man with raven colored hair stood in the doorway, his dark eyes scanning the store before landing on her. "I'll be your personal florist 'f-fairy' today," the blonde said with a smile, fumbling over the line a little. The owners had just added it to their greetings a couple of weeks ago and Nori still got a little embarrassed every time she said it. "I got your message. And if this is what I think it is, I'll take this case for free." "Oh, you must be Detective Holland," Nori replied, visibly relaxing, drying her hands off on her yellow uniform apron before walking over to shake his hand. “Thanks for coming on such short notice,” she said before dropping his hand. “You said you’ll take the case for free? I mean, I’m grateful, but that sounds pretty ominous,” Nori admitted, chewing at her bottom lip nervously. "That's because it is," Oliver replied, reaching down and pulling out a cigarette from his pocket. "I'd recognize handwriting like that anywhere." He placed it in his mouth, quickly taking out a lighter and giving a few quick puffs. Hell, he didn't see a no smoking policy on the door, so he was liable to indulge. "And [i]I[/i] would think this to be the work of someone, no, [i]something[/i] who wishes to harm you for the sake of violence. You're a pretty girl, can't imagine whose shit list you'd be on." He flicked the ashes down to the floor, shrugging his shoulders before continuing. "Do you believe in the [i]Weatherman[/i], Mrs. Haywood? Because he exists, and judging by the tiny flecks of blood I saw on the door as I opened it, you seem to be the next target. I'd take writing in blood seriously, Nori." Oliver rubbed his temples, sighing as he tried to get a picture of what was going on. "There was a hole in the wall, with considerable force behind it. Probably a sledgehammer." He paused, waiting for the young woman to process what he'd said. The detective lights a cigarette and takes a drag before beginning to explain the situation and even though Nori hates the smell she bites her tongue. He is doing her a huge favor after all, the least she could do is tolerate a cigarette or two. She does however, nudge an empty flower pot over to where the ashes are landing with her foot, because favor or no, she really didn't want to have to sweep them all up when he's done. By the time he's finished her mouth is dry, so she tries to swallow, but it doesn't help. "The Weatherman? I thought that was just a bogeyman story people told their kids to keep them out of the rain," Nori says quietly, clenching and unclenching her hands into the fabric of her apron. "You, erm, you think he's real and I might be his next vi-victim?" She asks, struggling to get the last word out. [i]'This is straight out of a horror movie,'[/i] the florist realizes and images of violence and gore pop into her thoughts unbidden, making her feel suddenly queasy. "Do you mind if I sit down?" Nori asks, but she's already pulling out one of the stools at the arrangement counter and plopping down before he answers. "So, what do I do? If he knows where I live, I shouldn't go home tonight, right?" "I'd recommend you stay at a friend’s house for the time being," Oliver responded flatly, his features grim as tossed the butt into the flower pot sitting at his feet. "Do you know anyone willing to let you stay at their place? If not, you could always get a hotel room." He could tell she was nervous now; judging on how she kept licking her lips and trying to swallow. Lucky for her, the Detective always had a solution. She might not like it, though. "I could stay in the shop tonight. Wait to see if he actually comes. And if it just so happens that he does, well..." He trailed off, pulling away the flap of his trench coat and showing Haywood the concealed revolver tucked away in a holster underneath his arm. "Scum like this guy need to be put down. I've been chasing this asshole for four years now, and this time, he's not getting away." Oliver brought a hand up to the stubble on his chin and scratched it thoughtfully. But killers were an unpredictable bunch; each individual one had their quirks. Some were liars, chaotic, obvious... Others, however, phantoms. Ghosts in every conceivable way. Untraceable. Oliver scratches at his chin, which is more rugged and squarer than it has any right to be, while Nori's eyes dart to where his gun is strapped under his arm. It reassures her a little, because it makes it seem like he's prepared for a possible psychopath who may or may not be planning to murder her in her sleep or [i]string-her-up-by-her-toenails-or-pull-out-all-her-guts-so-he-can-jump-rope-with-them-or-maybe-he'll-go-with-the-standard-burn-her-alive-because-maybe-people-are-like-lobsters-and-they-taste-best-when-they're-cooked-alive-and-then-he'll-serve-her-with-a-nice-side-of-butter-and-rice-and-seasoned-vegetables--[/i] "Hgfn," Nori wheezes, laying her head down on the counter top and closing her eyes while trying to get her erratic breaths under control. After a moment, it works. When she's calmed down enough the blonde pulls her head back up and clears her throat. "I know a few people who might let me stay with them (maybe Kyle, or would that be too weird? There's always Jennifer.), but I'm not sure if the owners will let you stay in the shop," Nori stopped here to worry at her bottom lip with her teeth, trying to come up with a solution. "Oh! You could stay in my apartment, if you want. My roommate just moved out about a month ago, so it's just me." Nori digs around in her pocket until she finds her keys, deft finger unhooking the spare key Kameyo gave back before she left. "Would that work okay, or should I ask the owners of you can stay here tonight?" He watched her attempt to get a hold of herself, his face stoic as he looked around the shop. It was a quaint little establishment, which made him more curious as to why this psycho had targeted it. Perhaps the Weatherman didn't need a reason at all. The bastard killed for fun. If you were out on a rainy day late at night, you were done. Just like... [i]Just like Shou's fiancée.[/i] He wiped his face to avoid blurry eyes, yet could still feel the stinging burn of tears threatening to come forth. [i]Shou...I won't fail you again, buddy...[/i] Inhaling and regaining his composure, he nodded, reaching out and taking the key from her. "If you're sure. I won't go through any of your things, I promise." Hesitantly, he reached out, and placing a hand on Nori's shoulder, tried to offer the girl some solace. She was just a kid for fucks sake. She must've been scared out of her mind. "I'll protect you, Mrs. Haywood. Nothing bad is going to happen; I promise." "Thank you, Detective Holland," she told him in a quiet voice, his hand a reassuring weight on her shoulder. "I appreciate you doing this for me, I owe you. If you ever need flowers, you know who to come see," she said with a wink, doing her best to lighten the somber mood that had fallen over the store. The blonde reached up and tapped his hand twice with her own in a gesture she hoped displayed both gratitude and solidarity, before shrugging off the touch. "Anyways, the store closes at two today, so when I get off I'll pack a bag and then head out. There's not a lot in the fridge, but you're welcome to it," Nori explained, yellow eyes flicking up to meet his. "Don't do anything stupid, okay? If some huge freak walks in with a sledgehammer just unload on him, don't ask questions. And if you start to get a bad feeling, you can always just leave," she says sternly, before sighing because that came out pushier than she meant it to. "I'm sorry, I know you know what you're doing. Just be careful, alright?" Nori hesitates for a moment, before tucking a stray strand of hair behind her ear and asking, "Can you text me every once in a while, so I know you're okay?" "Don't worry about me." Oliver smiled, lowering his hands before adjusting his hat. "But I do appreciate the concern nonetheless." It was a shame, really, how useless the police were in this city. Just another reason why he left it. There were too many barriers, so much red tape, followed by certain implications that impeded any chance of justice. People had to rely on the private sector for services that the local government should've been able to provide from the start. And people wonder why there's an increasing crime rate. He did find it a bit strange how she wanted him to keep her updated. Understandable, of course, but interesting regardless. "It'll be fine, I'm sure of it. I've dealt my fair share of punishment in my days. Why, just last night I had to beat the shit out of some punks during a trip to Club Lush." "[i]You[/i] were the one who did that!?" Nori squeaked before she could help herself, eyes widening to near comical levels. The florist studied Oliver, looking for any signs of damage that might be a byproduct of a fight against three assailants, but couldn't find anything, not even a scratch. The detective wasn't a scrawny man by any stretch of the imagination, but she hasn't expected him to be so capable against multiple attackers. "What the hell did you beat that one guy with to leave a knot that size?" The tattooed girl asked, remembering vividly the kaleidoscope of bumps and bruises that had made her feel so ill the night before. "I DJ there on the weekends," she explains before continuing with, "Why were you even there? You don't seem like the type who's into the whole club scene." Oliver smirked, reaching into his coat pocket and pulling out a small cylinder like device. He glanced up at her, before flicking his wrist, the cylinder now extending into a narrow 16 inch strip of solid steel. "Extendable police baton. Can be lethal or non lethal, depending on how much force you put behind the blow." He shrugged. "I'm not, actually. The only reason I was there was to get a lead on a missing person case. Said person has already been found, so don't worry your pretty little head off." He sighed. "Dangermouse really is shit, though." Nori's face lit up at the prospect of a fellow Dangermouse hater. "I know, right? Everybody says he's the best, but he's got no imagination. He just plays the same crap night after night and the crowd eats it up because he gets up there half naked!" She exclaims, throwing her hands up in exasperation. "It's all good though, because I'm going to outflank him next Friday. I'm gonna wear the skimpiest, trashiest, skankiest, most ridiculous dress I can get my hands on and put that smug son of a bitch in his place! My boobs are gonna be ALL OVER THE PLACE!" A silence feel over the flower shop, the kind that can only be brought on after you start talking about your sweater kittens to a complete stranger. "But yeah, no, I completely agree, he really is a shit DJ," Nori confirms after a moment, scratching at her nose. The Detective was at a loss for words. The girl was certainly, uh, [i]passionate[/i] about music that was for sure. If you considered a bunch of beeps and boops from a machine music in the first place. Ah, the youth of today, when did they get like this? "Ah yes, the skin policy your creep boss has everyone doing, I see how it is. Which is why I only go there to get information, followed by the occasional report of some drug activity going on. Knowing clubs, I'm not surprised. But y'all better watch yourselves down there. Don't want a raid now, do we?" [i]Plus Tyrone is the only one that has access to Cuban Cigars![/i] "Back on topic, what's the layout of your apartment? I need to know access points, windows, all that good stuff." "Right," Nori replied, thankful for the topic change. "The front door opens to the stairs, which go straight up to the livingroom. One of the windows in there leads to the fire escape," she informs. "I don't think he'd be able to get up that way, since they build them high up specifically so people can't use them for break ins. Unless he's actually eight feet tall, like the stories say," she stops to shoot him a curious glance, since he knows more about The Weatherman than her. "The living room is open to the kitchen and dining nook. There's a window in there, but it's super tiny. Like, so small that I wouldn't be able to crawl through it. Then there's a hallway that dead ins at the bathroom, no window in there, with a bedroom on either side of it. They have windows, but they overlook the sidewalk and there isn't anything to climb up on, so I think they're fine," the florist finishes, before asking, "Is that everything you need, Mr. Holland?" The Private Eye nodded. "That'll be all, Mrs. Haywood. I'll see you later today. I gotta drop by my place to get a few things. After all, I have a feeling it's going to be a long day." He reached out and shook her hand goodbye, giving the DJ a curt nod as he turned to leave. Something just didn't seem right about the entire situation, but he'd get to the bottom of it. Oliver was going to put a hurting on this asshole, or die trying. He paused at the door. "But just in case, one word in writing on the wall is vague. Tomorrow, now today, something will happen. Yet, we don't know where, when, or who is at risk. If he knows you, then he might go after people you have acquainted yourself with. I'm not sure if he's limited his killing to only be at night or not. Hell, he might be walking around in broad daylight. Wouldn't surprise me, the cops here are fucking useless." "Okay, I'll be careful," Nori reassured, but she prayed her luck wouldn't be that bad. She was in no hurry to be confronted by a big, hulking psychopath that was bold enough to attack people in the middle of the day. "And I'll give my friends a heads up." [i]'Hey guys, someone may or not be plotting to murder me and everyone I know, so be careful when it rains! Yeah, this'll be fun,'[/i] she mused. [i]'Daindrich is gonna laugh his ass off at me.'[/i] "I'll see you when I get off work. Stay safe out there." She would look up from her phone. But Oliver was already gone.