[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/vaU3Cf9.gif[/img][/center] YAOWZA! What up Shine City, it’s your boy Nick Weston and man, it’s really coming down out there guys! Make sure to grab an umbrella before you leave the house. Now I know a bunch of you are hungover, but it’s 10:22AM on Sunday, so get your butts out of bed! Man, last night was insane. Some random dude straight up ran me over, which was totally not cool at all, but I didn’t mind so much because I got to meet the lovely Kashima Iruka and let me just say, dang, that is one pretty lady! My sources tell me that she worked a shift at the Casino last night, and yes, she apparently wore the bunny uniform! How is this girl still single!? If you’re interested, you’d better move fast, because I have a feeling this beauty won’t be on the market for long! Now it’s time for Weston’s Suggestions. If your gal caught you grinding up on somebody that wasn’t her last night at the club, why don’t you stop by The Enchanted Florist and grab her some flowers to say, ‘I’m Sorry’? Who knows, maybe she’ll take you back! Just don’t get caught ogling the pretty florists like Kaori Tatsumia- The radio said no more as a solid piece of metal brought fury down upon it, sparks flying as electric components flew across the alleyway, clattering upon the puddle ridden concrete before fizzing out into a faint whir. [i][color=9e0b0f]Fuck you, Nick Weston.[/color][/i] Raising his sledgehammer, the Weatherman looked up to the sky, raindrops pattering softly against the lens of his gas mask. It was so beautiful. Oh, how long he had waited for this. When it rained, it poured, and when he came into the picture, [i]blood flowed[/i]. There wasn't anytime to waste. After all, no expects to die in broad daylight. He visited the flower shop earlier, and was disappointed to find out that the blonde girl had been to quick for him. [i]No.[/i] He just took his time. Then he remembered the radio. [i][color=9e0b0f]Kashima Iruka, Kaori Tatsumi.[/color][/i] [i][color=9e0b0f]Casino and the same place he was at last night.[/color][/i] He chortled, his grip on his bloody sledgehammer tightening. [i]Thank you, NICK WESTON.[/i] So many beautiful people. So many girls that needed to die. The Academy...of course.