A bit about me: I've been away from this site for a while, but I'm back. I consider myself at an advanced level, and like to write between two and four paragraphs for a post on average. However, I am adaptable, and if you wish to write more, I'll more than likely be able to match your length. I do all types of pairings, but I am particularly craving FxF at the moment. However, if you'd like to do MxF or MxM, just let me know and I'll see if we can work something out. I do both fandom and original roleplays. With fandom roleplays, I'm okay with canon or OC pairings. If you don't see a pairing you like in my fandom list, let me know and I'll tell you whether or not I'd be open to that pairing. I will only roleplay nsfw content with over-18s. When roleplaying adult content, I prefer the roleplay to be more plot-heavy. Please let me know if you'd like to include such content. I enjoy discussing plot - no one likes a roleplay that just fizzles out because neither person knows what to do next. I can be very forgetful, so if I haven't replied in a while just give me a nudge! I will be starting university soon, so I am only looking for one or two partners. I will * next to stuff I'm craving at the moment. ~Kind of craving something similar to Kamisama Hajimemashita/Kamisama Kiss [u][b]Fandoms[/b][/u] Avatar: the Legend of Korra* -Korrasami -Wuko Avatar: the Last Airbender -Tyzula Game of Thrones Dragon Age** Akatsuki no Yona -Hak/Yona -Hak/Jaeha -Jaeha/Kija Attack on Titan -Jean/Eren [u][b]General Pairings[/b][/u] Apprentice/Master Noble/Commoner Knight/Noble Knight/Commoner Fallen Angle/Human Mage/Templar (Dragon Age)* Mage/Ex-Templar (Dragon Age)* Dalish/Non-Dalish (Dragon Age)* Ex-Equalist/Bender (Avatar: the Legend of Korra)* Diety/Human Spirit/Human [u][b]Plots[/b][/u] (Plot One) Character 1 is a Knight of a religious/holy order, that has failed on an important mission. They are given one final chance to redeem themselves and are sent to find a powerful magical amulet that has been lost to legend for centuries. Character 2 (I'd prefer to play this character) is the follower of an underground religion that is considered heresy across most of the land, and especially so by Character 1, that is searching for this same amulet for personal reasons. When they come across each other, they decide to help each other for the time being and duel for the amulet when they find it. Sorry this was so long, but let me know if you're interested~!