[quote=@GoddessSophia] [@Apokalipse] I'll fix that up...sorry. Edit-I fixed it up...hopefully it's better now :) [/quote] You're all good! Add her in! [quote=@PhunkyPhoebe] Nice! I'm actually almost finished with the CS! EDIT: Okay, here he is. Let me know if I need to fix anything. I'm sure I'll have to edit something since I kinda rushed through it a little bit (in my defense though I was pretty excited.) I put him in Warren it didn't look like there was anyone in that house. He may or may not fit in there though? I wasn't too sure about it. [hider=Leo Sambell][color=7bcdc8][center][h1]|LEONIDAS SAMBELL|[/h1] [img]https://40.media.tumblr.com/cafa57c8f2d53088b47223e2eff36d06/tumblr_n9oyc3GZFf1slj7elo1_500.jpg[/img][/center] [color=7bcdc8]Name:[/color] [indent]Leonidas Ophelos Sambell[/indent] [color=7bcdc8]Gender:[/color] [indent]Male[/indent] [color=7bcdc8]Age:[/color] [indent]16[/indent] [color=7bcdc8]Year:[/color] [indent]6th[/indent] [color=7bcdc8]Blood:[/color] [indent]Half-blood[/indent] [color=7bcdc8]House:[/color] [indent]Warren[/indent] [color=7bcdc8]Pet:[/color] [indent]No pet [img][/img][/indent] [color=7bcdc8]Electives:[/color] [indent]Alchemy, Apparition, and Muggle Studies[/indent] [color=7bcdc8]Clubs:[/color] [indent]Astronomy club, Dueling club, Quidditch[/indent] [color=7bcdc8]Boggart:[/color] [indent]His future self, ready for work at a job he hates.[/indent] [color=7bcdc8]Patronus:[/color] [indent]Panther[/indent] [color=7bcdc8]Amortentia:[/color] [indent]Freshly mown grass, the smell of a new book, and a hint of gardenia.[/indent] [color=7bcdc8]Wand:[/color] [indent]Mahogany, 13 in, dragon hearstring core[/indent] [color=7bcdc8]Best Class:[/color] [indent]Defense Against the Dark Arts Charms[/indent] [color=7bcdc8]Worst Class:[/color] [indent]Transfiguration Potions[/indent] [color=7bcdc8]Personality:[/color] [indent]On the surface, Leo comes off as cold, unfriendly, and withdrawn. Although he's not necessarily the nicest, he really isn't all that bad once you get to know him. His reputation as being a "jerk" comes from the fact that he hardly smiles and he comes off as unapproachable. His genuine concern for the well-being of others is hard to show as he's not really an "emotional" guy. He often finds that he has absolutely no idea how to handle situations that involve any sort of crying or sad emotion, and this just adds to his reputation. The first (and last) girlfriend he ever had broke up with him because he told her she needed to "get herself together" when she came to him, crying, after the death of a beloved pet. Ever since then, girls basically steer clear of him. Despite this obvious flaw, Leo is kind at heart. As stated previously, he does care about others. It's just hard for him to show it. Even though he's useless when it comes to support for personal issues, Leo can always lend a helping hand when it comes to school work. Being an intelligent wizard he has a lot of knowledge and will almost always gladly help guide those who are having a hard time understanding certain subjects. He is hard-working and committed to his studies, and it shows after every semester when he recieves top grades in most of his classes. Being so involved in his course work barely leaves him time to do anything else but Leo has never been the "party" type. When it comes to his social life, Leo only has a few people he considers his friends. Due to the fact that he's sort of socially awkward and not exactly the friendliest, it's hard for him to fit in. But he always appreciates the small miracle of another person going out of their way to get to know him. And once you actually do break that hard shell, you'll find that he's actually pretty nice and even a little funny. Leo's fairly loyal to those closest to him. After all, it's hard to put up with the stubborn, prideful, and brutally honest Warren boy and he is entirely aware of this.[/indent] [color=7bcdc8]Likes:(At least three)[/color] [indent]Spring time Summer wind Poetry Reading The smell of roses Well-fitted clothing Calming music Laughter[/indent] [color=7bcdc8]Dislikes:[/color] [indent]Wet/Cold Weather (although on the contrary, he's a huge fan of sweaters.) SNOW Judgmental glances Immaturity Shallow or conceited individuals Drama Emotional situations Obnoxious noises[/indent] [color=7bcdc8]Fears:[/color] [indent]Being alone/being left by his friends Losing his family Being an average wizard who works an average job[/indent] [color=7bcdc8]Biography:[/color] [indent]Leonidas Sambell is the eldest son of Orpheus and Calisto. He is a half-blood wizard, but both his parents are magical. His father is a pureblood wizard born into the somewhat infamous Sambell bloodline. Tracing their roots back to the 17th century, the Sambells have always been partial to witches and wizards [i]not[/i] of a pureblood heritage and were supporters of Voldemort during the Second Great Wizarding War. The Sambells were not as vocal about it as other pureblood families since it was somewhat distateful to be openly prejudiced in Salem. Leo's mother is a muggleborn witch who met Orpheus when they were in school together at Salem. Orpheus in Good and Calista in Tituba, they fell in love and, to the great horror of the Sambell family, married after they both graduated. Orpheus was practically disowned by his parents but they reconciled with their son after the birth of Leo. Nowadays, their contact mainly consists of sending Leo a birthday/Christmas card and occasionaly a gift related to school (last year he got a new ink pen. Whoopee.) He grew up just 40 minutes away from Salem in Boston, Massachusetts with his father as an Auror for the Republic of Magic and his mother a seamstress. When he was 12, his parents welcomed two new additions to the family: his twin sisters Hestia and Artemesia. His mother became a stay-at-home mother after this to keep up with the two crazy siblings. Leo had a fairly normal childhood growing up and often found happiness in the little things in life. He had a good relationship with both of his parents, but his relationship with his father has always been somewhat strained. This is mostly due to the fact that Leo gets most of his qualities from his father and so an emotional and loving relationship is something he never quite had with Orpheus. It might have effected him a little as a child but as he grew older, Leo understood a little more that it wasn't that his father did not love him but that it was just hard for him to show it. Regardless, it was always clear that Orpheus cared deeply about his son, and the rest of his family,so no hard feelings ever made their way into Leo's heart. As a child, he did not have many friends. A lot of that had to do with his social awkwardness and his oddly unnattached way of interacting with others. Leo began to keep a journal when he was very young at the encouragement of his mother, and has since blossomed into a fantastic writer. Mostly keeping it to himself, Leo likes to write in his free time. He aspires to someday become a famous author, whether it be in the magical world or the muggle world. [/indent][/color][/hider] [/quote] accepted [quote=@PhunkyPhoebe] He aspires to someday become a famous author, whether it be in the magical world or the muggle world.[/quote] [sub]*cough*gilderoy lockhart*cough*[/sub]