[hider=Sergeant Dominic Garrett] NAME - He refers to himself as 'Longshot'. (Officially Sergeant Dominic Garrett of the NCR Covert Recon Forces) AGE - 27 years old GENDER - Male APPEARANCE - Dominic has thick, scraggly brown hair, and a rough beard. He stands at about 6 feet in height, and weighs 200 pounds, giving him a muscular, stocky build. His face and body is marred with scars of various types, and he is missing a right ear. He wears an NCR Officer's green military beret, but with any NCR markings removed, to hide his origins. His outfit is an olive green long-sleeve t-shirt under a sleeveless knee-length brown trench coat, with a green military pouch bandoleer across his chest, green fatigue pants, and black combat boots, one with a knife sheath built in, occupied with a combat knife. For armaments he wields a 5.56 Marksman Carbine modified with a folding bipod, with a silenced 9mm pistol as a sidearm. He carries a backpack filled with ammo, food, medical supplies, and a mid-range radio that can be amplified with the right equipment. He also has a military-grade compass and a pair of binoculars hanging around his neck, and a air respirator tied to his belt. He has a set of NCR dog tags with his name and information on them, but keeps them out of sight. PERSONALITY - Gruff, stubborn, sarcastic, and generally not a people person. He much prefers to be out in the wastes exploring instead of interacting with people. He does tend to be extremely loyal to those he actually likes, however. FACTION - Covert Scout for the NCR Military BIOGRAPHY - Born in the capital of the NCR, Shady Sands, Dominic had a relatively decent childhood. His education was very good by post-war standards, and from a young age he idolized the military. His father taught him to shoot starting at about age 10, and he took to it almost naturally, becoming a skilled shooter by the time he was an adult. His only issues as a child were his tendencies to get lost exploring the surrounding area, and his constant disagreements with other children, the worst of which led to fighting. By age 18, he was enlisted with the NCR Army, and had begun training. His skill with long-range marksmanship, coupled with high performances in recon scouting, and spotting, had him placed in one of the Recon battalions, though he was still far from the coveted skills of the legendary 1st Recon. During one of his first field operations, as a Private First Class, he took a grazing shot to his right ear. The damage was unrepairable, leading to the ear's removal, which somewhat stunted his scouting abilities, though he worked hard to improve his eyesight to make up for it. Eventually, his service would raise him to the rank of Sergeant, though it took a bit longer due to his general distaste of people. As a sergeant, he was reassigned to a Covert Recon unit, designed to disguise as normal wastelanders, infiltrate remote areas of interest with limited NCR contact, before eventually reporting back with their findings. He was quick to jump on this opportunity, as it meant doing exactly what he enjoyed. This would culminate in his arrival to the Orleans area, under the guise of a wilderness rogue-for-hire nicknamed 'Longshot' S.P.E.C.I.A.L - [40 points - Maximum of 10] STRENGTH - 4 PERCEPTION - 8 ENDURANCE - 5 CHARISMA - 4 INTELLIGENCE - 5 AGILITY - 8 LUCK - 6 PERKS - [Up to Three] - Ghost (Fallout 1 & 2) - Pathfinder (Fallout 2) - Sniper OTHER - [/hider]