NAME- Tom Carson AGE- 38 GENDER-Male APPEARANCE: [img][/img] Carson wears a suit of battered Enclave combat armour with the insignia removed under a worn grey greatcoat. He also wears a Soviet Army officer's cap. Fond of cigars. He is equipped with an AK-47 assault rifle and a Walther PPK handgun. PERSONALITY: Carson is a  man who speaks little but sees much. He rarely loses his cool, having learned long ago that emotional displays can cost you your life. He is well-read, especially in pre-War politics and history gleaned from the Enclave's records. An experienced commander who has led troops in battle, he is adept at battlefield tactics and strategy.  His main, glaring weakness is his residual prejudice towards Ghouls and Super Mutants that often loses him allies and opportunities he could otherwise have enjoyed. The nature of his missions out and about in the Wasteland have somewhat eased these, but old habits die hard.  FACTION: Enclave BIOGRAPHY Tom Carson is an agent for the shadowy organization claiming to be the inheritors the the Pre-War US Government. The Enclave's last major defeat at Adams Air Force Base had sent them into hiding, and have since been quiet. Many doubted that a faction that had survived the Great War had entirely disappeared after a couple of conventional military defeats.  Carson was born in 2271, into a family of Enclave soldiers in Raven Rock, north of Washington DC. Although only young when his people suffered the devastating defeats at Raven Rock, Project Purity, and Adams Air Force Base, Carson remembers them well decades later. The journey away from the victorious Brotherhood of Steel cost them many lives, and they endured much hardship.  Details are sketchy after that. He served in many places, defending the Enclave's interests from San Diego to Seattle and anywhere else in between, rising to the rank of Major. In 2301 Carson was assigned to the mysterious External Security Bureau, who put his skills to good use. Taking on a cover as a rootless mercenary Major Carson has acted as the eyes and ears on the ground, far away from any support or backup from the Enclave.  In 2309 Carson was given a new mission, codenamed Operation Methuselah. It seemed simple. Take a  team of operatives and civilian boat to the coastline of Orleans and gather as much intel as possible on the political, military, and social structures therein. To what end? Major Carson didn't know. He never knew. But he would do his duty nonetheless. So now Carson finds himself ambushed by raiders off the coast of Orleans. Under fire and in a damaged boat, it looks like his mission is over before it began... Strength-6 Perception-7 Endurance-5 Charisma-5 Intelligence-6 Agility-5 Luck-6 Perks -Commando -Outdoorsman -Negotiator