[color=e6e6e6][h3]Character One[/h3][/color] [b]NAME[/b] - Zoey Gardiner [b]AGE[/b] - Eighteen years of age [b]GENDER[/b] - Female [b]APPEARANCE[/b] - [hider=Zoey looks] [img]http://media.hotbirthdays.com/upload/2015/11/15/lia-marie-johnson.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Zoey looks] [img]http://data.whicdn.com/images/122149931/original.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Zoey looks] [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/B704pdSIcAAdAJx.jpg:large[/img] [/hider] [hider=Zoey looks] [img]http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mad4m2gNSg1qdovdq.gif[/img] [/hider] [hider=Zoey looks] [img]http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-1Gi_pNbwvOY/Udo1f_ikzoI/AAAAAAAAA0Q/LY6v41VfydY/s1600/ip6FlvSwHNBIw.gif[/img] [/hider] Zoey is a small woman, standing at Five foot one inches with long blonde hair that reaches mid way down her back and soft eyes that fluctuate between green and hazel. [b]PERSONALITY[/b] - Zoey is a quiet girl whom prefers her own company over the company of others due to her troubling past. She often stays away from people and tries to avoid making friends, but deep down all she really wants is a family and best friends to support her, as well as somebody to really love her. She does have a select few friends though, and those are the people she can open up too. When she is around her friends she can be more happy and funny, but she will never put herself at the centre of attention on purpose and will only be like this with those people. Motivated by a need for revenge and a hate for the King, she will pursue her goals until they are done. If talking to people she isn't close too she can often be sarcastic and snappy, or quiet and shy. It all depends on if you are a normal person or an asshole. [B]BIOGRAPHY[/b] - Zoey was born to two young parents living in the old city of New Orleans under the rule of the Orleans order. The parents were both young at 16 and 17, and by the time Zoey was barely two they had split up. The father took Zoey as her mother fell to alcoholism and couldn't handle looking after the child. Zoey's father taught Zoey how to shoot and write and read from the age of 5, teaching her more and more as she got older and shaped her into a fairly intelligent girl. One day when Zoey was 11 they were on a trip to another district too visit her alcoholic mother when they were both attacked by criminals and Zoey's father was killed. They left Zoey, and she was later picked up by some Orleans Order soldiers and after a few days she was handed over too her mother without much of a care about the child, they knew the life her mother lea. Life was much worse with her mother, she was bringing back strange men most nights and didn't seem too be like any of her old friends mothers who were kind and caring. Skip two years to when Zoey was thirteen and taxes were raised again. Zoey's mother was struggling to pay the caps and she didn't have a job. Within a week of the taxes raised the young girls mother was now not only prostituting herself, but Zoey too. Crooked soldiers from the order came and visited the girl most nights, only allowing the girl and her mother to stay within the district walls because of the service they were getting. This continued for years as the taxes were ever so slightly raised higher and things kept getting worse and worse. When zoey was 15, the same soldiers that had promised to keep them within the district beat them and forced them out after tax was a few days late. They were moved outside the walls to a makeshift shack a mile or so out. The job continued, and the soldiers still came to her most nights. Sometimes they would hit her mother and steal what little the two had, the soldiers who were meant to protect them. They were barely making enough caps to survive on and so the way of life continued. This life led Zoey to gain a deep rooted hatred of the Monarchy and her own mother. The day she turned Eighteen she had finally had enough. She had been planning on escaping for a long time now, and on the night of her eighteenth birthday, as soon as the sun set, she took a pack full of clothes, food and water, and she went to leave. She was about to walk out the door when her mother stopped her and went too slap her for being so 'selfish' and 'leaving the mother too make money on her own'. Without thinking, in a moment of rage, Zoey pulled out a knife and stabbed her mother, killing her. She left the house and never looked back. After a few days of travelling and searching, she snuck back into the walls and back into the districts. She lived on the streets for a while, making money they only way she knew how until a kind man found her and told her of the Revolution, a revolution he was a part of. She joined up, immediately becoming close to the man until he was killed in a firefight a month later. Now she looked up to Napoleon V, a great fighter, a great tactician and a great woman. Zoey looks up to her as something she could of been and still wants to be, following her lead with a loyalty she had never had with anybody before. Despite this though, she had still never worked up the courage to approach her. she found the 'French Revolution' and joined up, wanting revenge on the King for ruining her life. [b]FACTION[/b] - The French Revolution. [b]S.P.E.C.I.A.L[/b] - [40 points - Maximum of 10] [b]STRENGTH[/B] - 2 [b]PERCEPTION[/B] - 8 [b]ENDURANCE[/B] - 5 [b]CHARISMA[/B] - 4 [b]INTELLIGENCE[/B] - 6 [b]AGILITY[/B] - 10 [b]LUCK[/B] - 5 [b] PERKS [/B] -Sneak (Agility 3, Improved stealth) -Lady killer (Charisma 2, More Damage against opposite sex and opposite sex easier to persuade) - Medic ( Intelligence 2, Basic first aid skill and increases effects of medications and Allows crafting of stimpacks) [b]OTHER[/b] - Don't be fooled by her lack of size and strength, the young girl is quick and agile and a good shot, she doesn't need to be up close to kill you. [hr] [color=e6e6e6][h3]Character Two[/h3][/color] [b]NAME[/b] - Josh Thompson [b]AGE[/b] - 23 [b]GENDER[/b] - Male [b]APPEARANCE[/b] - [hider=Josh Looks] [img]http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-6fRreqzNdI4/T96daC7x92I/AAAAAAAAB9k/9PGpwAWPwkY/s1600/Drew+Roy+as+Hal+in+Falling+Skies.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Josh looks] [img]http://24.media.tumblr.com/bf23e35fd10590cec4643d7e17294849/tumblr_mpmz88ljm21rb5tngo1_400.gif[/img] [/hider] [hider=Josh looks] [img]http://images4.fanpop.com/image/photos/23300000/Tom-and-Hal-Mason-falling-skies-23382831-500-225.gif[/img] [/hider] [hider=Josh looks] [img]http://images6.fanpop.com/image/photos/35200000/hal-mason-falling-skies-35206833-245-258.gif[/img] [/hider] Josh is a well built man standing at five foot ten inches, with get black hair and warm blue eyes. [b]PERSONALITY[/b] - Josh is a fairly laid back and chilled out person when he isn't on a Job. He is easy to talk too and Joke around with, for he thinks anything can be made the subject of a joke, and he doesn't care if he offends people. He loves to drink at bars and have fun, weather that fun be hunting creatures or getting drunk. When he is on a Job though is attitude changes, he is focused and merciless while doing his work and will stop at nothing to finish off the Job. [b]FACTION[/b] - Whoever pays him the most; mercenary. [B]BIOGRAPHY[/b] - Josh was born in 2286 to a scribe who worked with the brotherhood of steel in the commonwealth and a merchant man from diamond city. The dad didn't stick around with him and his mum, and so he grew up with her at some of the various brotherhood bases in the commonwealth. He was taught from a young age the ways of the brotherhood, to have no mercy and to kill to survive. As he got older he trained alongside his brothers and for a short time from the age of 17 until he was nearly 18 he fought with the brotherhood. Throughout his year of actual fighting in the brother hood Josh and his friends were mostly tasked with extermination missions. He would drop in with one or two of his comrades into a super mutant camp, and they would tear through the green beasts until there was nothing left. Most of the time these super mutants didn't stand a chance against the three knights in power armour, and things were way too easy for Josh. He was getting bored, he wanted to fight in great big battles, kill death claws and leftover synth scum. Life carried on like this for the best part of year until two weeks before his Eighteenth birthday. A considerable force of super mutants had banded together and lead a surprise assault on a forward operating base that him and his two best friends were manning. It was only them and some scribes at the base. What Josh had longed for had finally come, a battle. But it wasn't what he expected. Even with three sets of power armour, the supermutants were overwhelming. The brave brotherhood soldiers defended the base with the help of the scribes for hours before the mutants broke the perimeter and charged. The scribes were all killed, and so were his two friends. Josh retreated into the base and fought by himself for another hour with just his minigun, until brotherhood reinforcements arrived and saved him. They took back the base and he returned to his mother on the prydwen. Josh was given medals and commended for his bravery, but soon enough his high became low. His friends were dead, and he lost the need to fight, lost the want to fight. For another year he thought with the brotherhood, and nothing of interest happened in that year. No battles, just small missions. He felt worse and worse everyday and spent his free time at bars in diamond city. Life bored him here, and he was looking for another occupation, something more exciting, something that didn't remind him of his dead friends everyday. At a bar in diamond city Josh was told of Orleans and the recent unbalance in the region. He left his mother a note and left the brotherhood, taking his skill and training along with him as he left the commonwealth in search of Orleans. When he arrived, he took advantage of the recent unbalance in the region and hired himself out as a mercenary. Not once has he failed a Job, even if it took him weeks to finish, and so the young man made a name for himself in the area, working for anyone, to do almost anything. In the city he recovered from his personal problems, becoming the fun and laid back man he once was, although his deep rooted racism and hate for the super mutants carried on. [b]S.P.E.C.I.A.L[/b] - [40 points - Maximum of 10] [b]STRENGTH[/B] - 8 [b]PERCEPTION[/B] -7 [b]ENDURANCE[/B] -6 [b]CHARISMA[/B] -6 [b]INTELLIGENCE[/B] - 4 [b]AGILITY[/B] - 5 [b]LUCK[/B] - 4 [b]PERKS[/B] -Toughness (Endurance 1, increases damage resistance) -Chem resistant (Endurance 4, Complete immunity to chems) -Aquaboy (Endurance 5, No rads and can breath underwater, totally undetectable underwater) [b]OTHER[/b] -