[hider= Sebastian Monroe][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/8b/77/4e/8b774eb58ffc823439d9f354e5437cd1.jpg[/img] Name: Sebastian Monroe Typical Alias: Shadow Age: 35 Gender Male Appearance: Tall and quite thin Sebastian is a bit of a lanky fellow standing at 6'3. However just because he's lanky doesn't mean he's not strong enough to knock all your teeth out if he has to. He keeps his black hair cut short and can always be found clean shaven. His typical attire is his Chinese stealthsuit, over which he wears a double breasted black trench coat that ends just below knee height, as well as a make shift hood. Personality: His childhood led Sebastian to be cold, calculating and efficient. When he's on the job he doesn't care about anything other than completing his contract, and quite frankly he doesn't care who gets in his way. However if you spend enough time with him he'll become a bit more friendly... well what Sebastian knows as friendly anyway. Faction: Ex-Talon Company Biography: The son of a whore and member of Talon Company, Sebastian spent the early years of his life simply trying to get by in the Capital Wasteland. His mother disowned him after a jet fuelled argument caused her to throw a bottle at him however, and the poor 7 year old boy tried to make his way in the Wastes eventually making it (by some miracle) to Rivet city. Here he spent the next few years of his life doing odd jobs here and there before eventually joining Rivet City Security at the age of 16. Eventually he heard about the whereabouts of his father. After several days he was eventually able to kill him with a shot from a sniper rifle before being knocked out and taken prisoner. When he awoke the mercs were ready to kill him, he told them who he was and offered them everything but the clothes on his back, if instead of killing him they let him join Talon company. At first he got rather poor jobs, mainly maintaining the arms and armour of the other mercs. Eventually however he managed to get sent out on a few simple kill missions and earned a name for himself. One of his more taxing missions involved ambushing water caravans. Not knowing whether he'd be facing brotherhood or rivet city troops Sebastian developed the Switch-Laser. He took his fathers old tri-beam (he'd taken the gear when he joined) and altered the barrel mounting to allow for quick switches between various barrel configurations. Overtime he eventually developed the sniper barrel he uses today, which is more than capable of taking down brotherhood troopers provided the user knows what they're doing. He wracked up at least 5 confirmed brotherhood kills before his section chief transferred him. However his most dangerous mission was stealing an Enclave vertibird from a group of remnants. Sebastian and a team of other Talons eventually managed to capture the vertibird's landing bay and seized the equipment there to boot. Cost a lot of lives though, only Sebastian and a few other mercs made it out of there alive, and its experience that has lingered with Sebastian, whether he likes it or not. After years spent like this Sebastian was one of the wastelands most notorious killers, he was willing to kill just about anybody, but he still held himself to a few basic rules. Don't kill anyone but the target if possible, always leave a calling card where possible etc. It was this last vestige of decency that prompted two of his fellow mercs to turn on him during a routine tech recovery job. He killed both of the mercs with his switch-laser before looting their bodies and the building they'd been sent to sweep. It was here he found the chinese stealthsuit that he now make use of, deep inside the ordinary looking office building he found the pre-war research lab that the building was actually intended to hide. After this Sebastian left the Talons and set off simply trying to put plenty of distance between himself and Talon Company. He'd heard some of the other mercs talking about the chance of some jobs down south and decided that it'd be a good place to disappear. During his treck to New Orleans the stealthsuit's inbuilt stealth boy effect has saved Sebastian's hide more than once. Whilst not as protective as his old combat armour in a sustained fire fight, the stealthsuit takes him from being an infiltrator of exceptional skill, to a ghost who can go just about anywhere and kill almost anyone. S.P.E.C.I.A.L Strength - 5 Perception - 8 Endurance - 5 Charisma - 3 Intelligence - 8 Agility - 10 Luck - 1 Perks: Friend of the Night Ninja Scientist Equipment: Chinese Stealthsuit Black Trench Coat Chinese Officer's Sword Switch-Laser (a laser rifle with a recoil compensating stock specially designed by Sebastian to use different quick switch barrels) Sniper Switch Barrel (with long scope) Tri Beam Switch Barrel (with reflex scope) 300 Microfusion Cells 5 Stimpaks[/hider]