Lara woke suddenly from a restless dream. Lazlo, whom she had been using as a warm pillow, whimpered at her and she gently stroked his coat as she closed her eyes again. She had the same dream several times a week. It was more of a nightmare than a dream. On top of everything else she was basically reliving the two worst things she had experienced since the start of the end. The zombification and beating of her lover, handed to him by her own hand and bat. And the death of the child, who Lazlo actually belonged to. Her dream was always vivid and always the same. Rodger, her lover, was the reason for Mathew's, the child's, death. It was Rodger who had bitten the child and turn him in her dream though she child had actually died of an illness she could not fight off without the proper medication, which she had not had at the time. In her dream she beats both lover and child to death with a baseball bat. Her body can't take the emotion that starts swirling around in her after this and so she usually wakes, suddenly. Today she woke with tears in her eyes. Lara wiped them away and composed herself before deciding she should get up. She sat up and stretched. Looking around the encampment to find most everyone still asleep. She smiled at this. It had been a while since a good night's sleep was even an opportunity. She looked around and noticed Anastasia. The former nurse decided to check on the girl. She was all to aware of her injuries and wanted to see how she was doing today. It was the nurse training that made her do this. She stood and headed to where the other female was seated, taking her bat with her. Lazlo followed, as usual. "Morning girly." She greeted as she took a seat beside the girl on watch. "How are you feeling today?" Just a general question she asked almost everyone, on a regular basis. Before the start of all this Lara had just been a regular old nurse. Her patients seemed to like her and that was all that seemed to matter to her. She got along well with almost everyone, she was fairly outgoing even outside of work. After everything started she closed her self off. Only choosing to be outgoing when she was making sure everyone was okay. Though she was usually nicer to Anastasia than most other people. Often referring to her as girly, chick, or chica. She wasn't sure if the other female like the nicknames but nevertheless they seem to come out of her mouth anyway.