Meanwhile, I will add a cs for another monster. I'm sure there will be at least some who know who this is. If not, look it up. Guaranteed not disappoint. Name: Red Age: 12 Appearance: [url=]Here.[/url] History: Red was once a normal child with two loving parents, living happily in Snowdin. Good food, a few friends, laughs from watching the wacky skeletons.... life was great. However, that all came to an end when one human who came down killed a variety of monsters, including her parents. Red was devastated. She shut herself away, refusing help from her friends. Eventually, though, she was found by Undyne, who was kind enough to teach her how to fight. She proved herself to be a very skilled fighter, able to combat even Undyne on equal ground at times. She developed strong family ties with the Canine Unit, and considers them her new family. However, Red was still placed away from combat, near the CORE, due to her young age. She was fine with it though, since it was Undyne who sent her there, and she had heard stories of some of the Royal Guards actually being friends with some of the other Fallen Humans, only for them to die. She didn't want to think about losing anyone ever again, especially a human friend. Has Human Soul: Nope Theme: [url=]Battle Theme.[/url]