Kimberly was a bit confused to see all the carnage and chaos suddenly disappear, but then relieved to find out that the school was not actually under attack by a giant killer robot, and that the Professors were not actually injured. Instead, it had all been a test to get everyone working together. She wasn't sure what else to think about it, though. Yes, it was great to still be safe and sound, but how well did she do on said test? She wasn't sure. She knew she didn't do much of anything, all because she was too scared to take action. Her first test, and she probably blew it. Still, there was some good feedback from the teachers, so maybe she didn't do as badly as she thought. Conner certainly had the thought that the Sentinel attack was merely a trick, but wasn't sure whether or not that was actually true until the scenario completely faded away. He was impressed to see just what this place was capable of, realizing that it was not called "The Danger Room" for nothing. Lost in thought, Conner turned his head around to look around the room, wondering what else it was capable of. His gaze fell onto Kimberly, who looked like she was worried about something. Conner placed his hand on Kimberly's shoulder and asked, "[color=00aeef]Something on your mind?[/color]" Kimberly, brought back to reality, turned to Conner and said, "[color=ed1c24]Oh, um, yeah, no, I'm fine, thanks.[/color]" with a forced smile on her face. Conner raised an eyebrow, then pressed the issue, "[color=00aeef]I've hung around you long enough to know how you think. You worried you didn't do well, huh?[/color]" Kimberly's smile turned a bit more genuine, and she said, "[color=ed1c24]You know me best.[/color]" Clutching her left arm, Kimberly continued, "[color=ed1c24]When I saw that giant robot, I... got scared. I didn't do anything against it...[/color]" Conner wrapped his arm around Kimberly's shoulders and began to lead them out of the room. "[color=00aeef]It's to be expected. None of us were prepared, and it was our first time dealing with something like that. We'll do better next time,[/color]" Conner reassured Kimberly. "[color=ed1c24]I guess.... but still-[/color]" Kimberly said before getting cut off. "[color=00aeef]Next time,[/color]" Conner said more firmly, holding her slightly more tightly. Kimberly looked up at Conner, then blushed and looked away when she realized how close their faces were. "[color=ed1c24]Uh, yeah, you're right. Thanks, Conner,[/color]" Kimberly said. Conner then realized what he was doing, and removed his arm from Kimberly. He cleared his throat, then said, "[color=00aeef]Let's go get something to eat.[/color]" Together, the two made their way to the cafeteria, where they made themselves a pair of sandwiches before sitting down. Conner looked around at the people in the cafeteria, the ones who were going to be their team, wondering if everything would work out alright. His intellectual side said that there would obviously be some bumps along the road in the future, but his optimistic side told him that everything would most likely be alright.