In one word, Brad's experience at the Duel Tower was... overwhelming. While the heat was almost reminiscent of home, it wasn't enough to keep him as grounded as he'd like to be. Between the fact that he had apparently accidentally crossed over into one of those Chinese cartoons his little brother always watched, he had gotten defeated in a rather humiliating performance against someone who used spaceships, landing him in the bottom dorm. As Brad walked around aimlessly, he took a moment to shuffle through his new deck. Worms... A deck that specialized in techniques that Brad had never really practiced. If he ever set a card before, it was a Trap or a Spell, not a monster. Still, he had decided to learn how to better use a deck like this, so he wouldn't quit after one bad loss. The deck had potential, that was for certain. Now he just needed to figure out how to use it... Looking up, he spotted another first-year. Racking his brain, Brad seemed to remember that this guy lost too. Might explain why he was picking up packs... Might not be a bad idea. "[color=aba000]Howdy,[/color]" said Brad, waving at his fellow student. "[color=aba000]Yer Angelo, right? Name's Brad Morrison.[/color]" He offered a hand to shake and a weak smile.